19 | late night talks

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it was around one a.m. when maya's phone buzzed, she turned on her side simply ignoring the notification. then her phone buzzed again, which made her slowly open her eyelids. buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz. the consist vibrating sound made her groan as she sat up. she rubbed her eyes and unplugged her phone from the charger. she checked the date and time: thursday 1:32 am

they were all text from lucas. she frowned in confusion as she got up and walked out her room. her parents were gonna since they went on a small vacation and would be back by the end of the weekend. she sighed and walked to the front door. she unlocked the door and stood there half awake when lucas stumbled in.

he reeked of alcohol and it was evident to maya that he had been drinking. she sighed and closed the door behind him.

"what is it, friar?" she yawned as as she locked the door. "this is the third time this week you've shown up at my house in the middle of the night.. if you weren't in such heartache, i would shut the door on your face."

"maya," he muttered as she helped him to the couch. "i couldn't sleep."

"how did you get into your parents liquor cabinet?" she chuckled even though she was exhausted and walked over to her kitchen. she grabbed two cups and filled them with orange juice.

"who cares?" he sighed, maya looked down at her friend and bit down on her bottom lip. he was broken. "how do you get in an almost two year relationship and say you don't love them?"

his laugh was fake and it made maya feel bad for him. she handed him a glass of orange juice and took a sip of hers. she sat down next to him.

"i never thanked you for saving me that one night." she mentioned to him, offering him an apologetic smile. "why didn't you tell me when i woke up?"

"because.." he hiccuped. "you told me you didn't wanna be alone with me and you were so thankful that it was farkle. i just want you to be happy."

"everyone wants me to be fucking happy." maya muttered under her breath, rolling her eyes. "listen, i would've been just as thankful if it was you. you saved my life, lucas. thank you."

"im gonna always wanna protect you." he admitted to her. "even if you hate me."

"i know you feel like shit and i love these late night talks, but you can't come to my house every night.. especially when you are drunk." she told him before taking another sip and placing it on the table. "what if she saw you like this? you need to brush yourself off and show her you are feeling good."

"she hasn't been at school since we've broken up." he looked over at maya and watched her, "will you help me feel better?" maya was confused at his question but still answered.

"of course, you are my best friend." she smiled, she expected him just to ask for advice but he didn't wanna advice.

in a matter of seconds, he crashed his lips into her. maya's eyes widen at the sudden impact and put her hands on his chest.

she closed her eyes slowly and kissed him back. he tasted like alcohol but she could vaguely taste the sweetness that she had missed- no craved after that one night. the day before he met veronica bells.

he kissed her lips roughly, but she didn't care. their lips moved together in sync and after a few seconds, she pulled away in need of air.

"you taste so good." he whispered, his forehead against hers.

"lucas, i don't know.." she looked away then back at him. "you are wasted. i don't wanna do anything if you.."

"I want you, maya, don't you want me?" he said those familiar words that maya remembered like it was yesterday. it was a double edge sword. she looked into his eyes and nodded her head, biting down on her bottom lip. he came closer and kissed her once again.

he pulled away and managed to take his shirt off. maya gulped at the sight of his fit body. her fingers brushed his skin and she felt embarrassed.

"i haven't done this either.." he whispered to her once he saw how flustered she had become. she cracked a small smile once she heard his words and kissed him softly.

she pressed her forehead against his. "then please.. be gentle." she whispered back to him.

he brought lips down to her neck and began to softly nip at her skin. she couldn't help but moan a bit at the way his lips moved across her neck. she ran her fingers through his dirty blonde hair as he began to leave hickey marks. he moved down her to her collarbone down to the exposed skin from her loose night shirt.

she cupped his face bringing his lips to hers. she pulled away and he helped her pull her shirt off of her body leaving her in only boy shorts underwear. lucas's eyes widen as he looked down at her body. she was beautiful.

maya blushed and looked up at the ceiling, "stop staring, huckleberry." the embarrassment evident in her voice.

"you are perfect." was the only thing he could say as he leaned down, placing his hands on her waist and bringing his lips down to her.

the next morning maya woke up to the distant sound of her phone alarm ringing. she furrowed her eyebrows as she stood up. she put on her over sized shirt from last night and slowly walked towards her room where she shut it off. she passed the mirror and looked at herself.

"oh my god." she muttered as she groggily looked at her reflection. there were purplish red makes covering her chest and a few on her collarbone.

that's when she really woke up and ran over to the couch where lucas laid with a blanket covering his body.

"lucas! wake up!" she practically yelled which scared lucas and he rolled himself off the couch.

"wha- what happened!" he hazily looked around then calmed down when he saw that maya was okay. he then realized he wasn't at home and was on maya's couch lacking clothes.

"may-" he began to say but she quickly stopped him.

"get dressed. we have school." she looked away and walked back towards her room. in a couple of minutes, she emerged with a black turtle neck and shorts. she looked over at lucas who put on his clothes from last night. maya went to open the door when she spotted farkle standing there about to knock on the door.

"uh.. riley was wondering why you didn't come to her house this morning, but now i see why." his smile turned into a smirk as he glanced from maya to lucas.

"shut up." she muttered and pushed him away from the door. "ill ride with lucas, so ill meet you and riley there." she decided as she shut the door behind them and made sure to lock it close.

"alright, boss." he teased before leaving.

"so.. um.. about last night.." lucas began to say but maya quickly stopped him by putting her hand on his chest.

"we will talk about later, okay. i promise. let's just worry about getting to school." maya didn't care about school but she had a million thoughts going through her head and needed some time to think.

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