05 | never have i ever

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tonight was the night of the party. maya had went home with farkle after school, so they could easily go to the party together. smackle was still on the fence of the whole party situation- since those types of things didn't make her feel comfortable. riley planned to get a ride with lucas, ronnie, and zay.

"how do i look?" maya announced as she walked out from farkle's restroom showing off her outfit. she had on a black long sleeve shirt with jeans that had holes in them, but she had on fishnets underneath. farkle looked over at her and smiled.

"it looks great." he complimented her and she grinned in response. farkle was a mess, however, even though he looked good. his head was spinning from the night with riley.

and maya seemed to pick up on this.

"what's wrong?" she frowned as she watched him walk over to his bed and sit down. he kept his head down which made her more confused. "did something happen?"

"if i tell you this.. will you promise not to tell anyone- even isadora." he mumbled in response as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"alright." maya uneasily chuckled as she looked into his mirror. "you are starting to scare me.. so what is it?"

as maya began to fix her shirt and make sure her jeans weren't too low. farkle let out a small sigh.

"i almost kissed riley." he admitted which made maya stare him wide eyed into the mirror.

"woah. woah! you almost kissed her!" maya exclaimed then jumped onto his bed grabbing his arm. "uh- why didn't you?"

"maya.. stop. i have a girlfriend. she just got over fighting with zay today. if we would've kissed it would've ruined everything." he groaned at her reaction which made maya nod her head.

"come on. let's go to the party and have a good time! i promise i won't let you kiss riley while you're wasted." she teased him as she grabbed his hand pulling him up. "would it really be that bad? if you and riley kissed?"

the two walked into the elevator of his house and he looked over at her with an unsure look.

"i don't like hurting people.. zay would kill me.. isadora wouldn't talk to me anymore.. uh- our group would fall apart at the seams. i think that's pretty bad." farkle chuckled as he looked over at his blonde best friend. that's when the elevator dinged.

they got out and walked towards farkle's car which was in the large garage. maya wrapped her hands around one of farkle's arm, "calm down. we can make it through anything. our group is stronger than some relationship drama."

"then why haven't you told lucas about you being in love with him?" he teased her as he turned on his car with his keys.

"that's different!" maya argued as she freed herself from farkle and hoped into his car.

"what's so different? he's in a relationship. you like him." he shrugged as he opened his door and got into the drivers seat.

"let's make a deal. ill tell lucas how i feel and you tell riley how you feel. no matter what happens things will be okay." she sighed as she held her pinky finger in the air and farkle sighed also but wrapped his pinky finger around hers.

so the two of them drove to the address of the baseball's real captains house where the party was being held. maya would occasionally turn the volume up and sing-a-long to her favorite songs that came on the radio. which would make farkle laugh at his best friend but sing-a-long with her.

they arrived at the party half an hour later and as farkle turned the radio off. he could hear the noise of the music from the outside of the house. various people were outside the house drinking and playing around. they parked on the side of the road which had different cars parked around there also. the driveway was filled with cars too. as maya and farkle walked into the house- the scent of alcohol filled their noises.

maya decided she need a liquid courage before she went to find lucas but she was stopped by a pair of hands that grabbed her by the hand. she furrowed her eyebrows before she realized who it was; josh matthews. he had a smirk on his lips as he handed her a red cup.

"they said never to accept a drink from a stranger." maya questioned and it made him laugh. he took the drink from her and took a sip.

"i wouldn't do you like that, hart. besides im probably the most trustable person there is." he chuckled as he gulped down his drink then handed her back the cup. she rolled her eyes as she took a sip of the drink which almost made her gag at how strong it was. josh wrapped his arm around her and lead her to the living room.

"let's play. never have i ever..?" that's when riley emerged from behind a couple of people with zay. they were laughing and riley's eyes widened at the sight of maya. she was about to yell for her to come closer but zay kept her on the seat so she wouldn't trip.

"everyone knows the rules of the game. if you've done it.. take a sip of that drank!" a guy yelled which made everyone laugh. maya simply rolled her eyes at how obnoxious the guy was drunk.

lucas emerged to the right of maya with his arm around ronnie's waist. she looked sober but lucas.. not so much.

"hey. when did you get here?" lucas slurred his words as he looked over at maya and she was about to answer when someone else spoke.

"alright! ill go first. never have i ever had sex." riley giggled which made josh drink, ronnie drink, zay drink nervously, two girls in the circle drink, and four other guys who maya didn't know the name of drink their beer.

lucas looked over at ronnie and she just kept that smile on her lips.

"never have i ever had a threesome!" ronnie challenged and it caused josh to drink, one of the other girls to drink which made the guys cheer.

"never have i ever wanted to hook up with the person to the left of me." one of the guys across from maya chuckled as he looked at the girl next to him. he took a sip of his beer and it made the girl giggle in response. that's when maya noticed that lucas drank some of his drink. ronnie didn't seem to notice as she began playing with the girl's next to hers hair. zay slowly downed the drink of his which made riley look over at him.

"what?" he asked as he brought the cup down from his lips.

"nothing. i just thought-" riley tried to say which made zay frown.

"it's not a crime to wanna hook up with my girlfriend, riley." that's when riley got up from her seat and zay followed her.

maya looked over at lucas but he was avoiding her gaze.

she couldn't do this. she pulled josh by his hand towards the kitchen which left lucas who confusingly watched them leave. he wanted to say something.. but he couldn't. he simply just watched as she walked away with josh. ronnie was in her own world and didn't seem to be bothered by anything.

"are you okay?" josh asked as maya hoped on the counter and josh walked closer to her.

"y-yeah. im fine." she lied as she wrapped her arms around josh's neck. "i just need a little fun."

josh smirked at her last words as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small mint canister. maya frowned in confusion before he actually opened the small box. there were six perfectly rolled up blunts.

that's when she realized what they were. she took in a deep breath as she focused on it. then looked back towards him.

"will this make me forget about everything?" she asked with a small smile and he nodded his head.

"yes it will princess." and he kissed her forehead which made maya's heart fluttered.

lucas got up from the couch and walked towards the kitchen where maya had went to. he stumbled a little but held onto the wall when he stopped. lucas stood there, eyes wide, even though he was intoxicated... he knew exactly what was going on.

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