03 | virgin

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maya yawned as she stretched her body against her friend's bed. she was so exhausted but the sound of riley singing had waken her up. her ocean blue orbs trailed over to the brunette who was singing while straightening her hair.

"come on you gotta get up. we have school today and we only have twenty minutes till farkle is picking us up." even though maya was listening to everything riley was saying, she was still exhausted. just as she began to close her eyes again, her best friend yanked the covers off of her body. "if you stay the night, don't expect me not to wake you up!"

maya silently nodded and dragged herself out of bed. she lazily looked at herself in the mirror and sighed. she washed her face and combed her hair free of tangles. riley walked up behind her and straightened her friend's hair for her. after fifteen minutes of getting dressed and looking good. they both walked to the kitchen.

"auggie. did mom and dad leave already?" riley raised her eyebrows as she noticed her brother eating cereal on the couch and watching some tv show.

"yeah." her brother replied with his mouth still full.

"do you got a ride to school or do you wanna ride with us?" riley asked as she walked towards the kitchen with maya trailing behind her still half asleep.

"ava's mom is taking me. they should be here any minute-" as he finished the doorbell rang. auggie walked towards the door and was greeted by ava with a large smile on her lips. "bye, riley! bye, maya."

riley and maya both said bye to him as he closed the door behind him. riley pulled her phone out and cursed under her breath, "farkle is outside. come on."

"but i haven't ate breakfast." maya pouted which made riley roll her eyes.

"here finish this." riley sighed as she grabbed her brother's half finished cereal bowl he had left on the table. "you can eat in the car."

"gross. eating after auggie?" the blonde complained but scooped the cereal and milk up in the spoon and brought it to her mouth while following riley. the two walked downstairs of the apartments and finally when they walked outside. there in his car, his dad had bought for him on his 16th birthday, was farkle.

"hey, farkley." riley cooed as she opened the car door and sat in the passenger seat while maya hoped into the back doing her best not to spill her cereal.

even though the three were all doing different things at this age also with farkle and riley in relationship- their friendship never changed. farkle stayed close with riley and maya. they didn't care who they were with, they would always care for each other.

the three arrived at the school quicker than expected with new york traffic. as they pulled into the parking lot and farkle chose the one next to lucas's truck.

isadora couldn't help but stare at her boyfriend and her friends. she sat on top of the hood with ronnie next to her as the group waited on their other friends. her heart skipped a beat as she watched riley not knowingly flirt with him. the raven haired female knew the other girl wouldn't do it on purpose. she wouldn't hurt her like that, but that was farkle's best friend. she couldn't say anything because she would seem like the bad guy. yet she also knew farkle would choose riley over her any day and that killed her inside. why wouldn't he? she's beautiful, kind, goofy, and knew everything about him.

"hey, beautiful brainiac." farkle's voice snapped isadora out her thoughts as he moved a piece of hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ear.

"hi, my darling." she smiled up at him and brought her lips to his for a quick peck.

"class doesn't start for ten minutes," lucas looked towards his friends as he stood between ronnie's legs and she messed with his hair.

unrequited | lucaya (completed)Where stories live. Discover now