12 | spring break

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"finaaally." riley groaned as she managed to close her suitcase with her clothes for the weekend and next week. it was friday afternoon and they made a plan to drive in two separate cars: farkle and lucas would be the designated drivers for the trip.

"riley, are you sure you wanna go? you can spend spring break home.. safely.. with us!" corey matthews, riley's father, tried to reason with his daughter as he stood there with his wife who shot him a glare for trying to stop their daughter.

"dad, we already paid for the rooms, so unless you want the money to go to waste. also ill be safe. im with six people that i trust more than anything." riley assured her father as she ran her fingers through her hair and searched for her iphone charger.

"i don't know. you and three boys! three! that's more than just one! zay's there! your boyfriend. farkle! the guy who loves you. lucas! your ex boyfriend." he gasped as he held up three fingers which made topanga laugh and shake her head.

"corey." topanga snapped at the mention of zay which made riley sigh and give her a mom a small smile as she placed her charger into her purse.

"zay and i broke up. farkle and isadora are happily together." as the words escaped riley's lips, it made her heart ache a little. "but im fine.. i promise."

corey's features softened as he realized his words. he wanted to embrace his daughter into his arms and tell her that boy should never be trusted but he knew she would turn out okay.

"hey, mr and mrs matthews." maya's soft voice filled the room as she stood there against the door. "riley, are you ready?"

"yeah!" riley plastered on the biggest smile she could as she hugged her parents bye and followed maya towards the door with her suitcase. she told auggie bye and then left with maya.

"thanks for saving me." the brunette muttered as she walked with maya towards the front of the building. "i am trying my best to avoid any discussion of zay."

"yeah. about that-" as maya and riley walked out the doors. there in farkle's car was zay in the passenger seat. riley's eyes widened and looked towards maya.

"i thought he was riding with lucas!" she exclaimed as maya gave her an apologetic look. the two friends walked towards the car and farkle got out. he put riley's suitcase into his trunk. zay's eyes swiftly followed farkle and riley's movements in the rear view mirror. he watched the two interact and her laugh at something he said. he rolled his eyes before maya jumped into the view of the two.

"jealous much?" maya teased and zay was taken back by her words but he knew she was right. "why did you decide to tag along with us anyways?"

"shut up." he joked as a small smile grew and maya jumped into the backseat. "isadora wanted to tag along with ronnie and lucas. she didn't give me a chance to say i wanna come too."

maya simply nodded her head. it sorta made sense to her. if isadora rode with her boyfriend, she'd be riding along with him and riley in the same car. even though zay felt just as uncomfortable, she didn't wanna leave the two alone without some type of supervision as if they were children and them being alone would only cause trouble.

as the four got into farkle's car. in a different part of town. lucas put the last of isadora's suitcase into the back of his truck. ronnie slowly approached her boyfriend then leaned against the truck as she looked up at him.

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