18 | exposed

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it was lunch time once again. this time zay sat next to isadora, instead of his usual place by riley. his smile seemed to grow when he planted himself down on the seat. it caused her to blush but laugh at the same time. riley couldn't help but stare at them in confusion at their weird behavior. she had only see zay act like that with her and the feeling of jealousy waved through her body.

maya took a seat next to riley, but then in a matter of seconds farkle appeared on the other side of riley. the two exchanged a look and maya frowned mouthing no! the two argued inaudibility while riley sat there more confused on her two best friends attitudes.

finally, ronnie sat down in lucas's usual seat forcing him to sit next to maya. lucas looked down at his girlfriend before sitting down since she usually sat on his lap or pulled her chair closer to his. he simply shook it off but she didn't say anything to him.

riley frowned.. what was going on? zay and isadora were acting like they had something going on, maya and farkle were trying to hide something, and ronnie and lucas were being distant from each other. a whole bunch of things, she had never seen before.

"what is going on?" she exclaimed, rather loudly, her brown eyes peered around the table looking at all her friends who stopped moving when she spoke up.

"did something happen?" riley furrowed her eyebrows. "we are all friends.. we shouldn't be keeping things from each other!"

maya sighed and looked towards farkle who simply looked away from her gaze, "me and farkle kissed the day of the party at the lodge."

"what!" isadora, lucas, and riley said at the same time which made them eye each other. riley looked towards ronnie and zay who didn't react at all.

"did you know?" she asked, in which they both nodded.

"w-what? why would you two kiss?" isadora asked, her eyes moving from farkle to maya.

"he was drunk," zay sighed looking at the black raven hair colored hair female. "they broke away after it happened."

maya gave zay a look as if thanking him for explaining it.

"isadora and i are going out together." zay stated, which caused isadora's eyes to widen at his words. "yup, this weekend."

"why would you go out with him?" farkle frowned looking at isadora.

"you... you are going on a date with her?" riley clarified, she silently hoped they were just joking but by the look in his eyes; she knew he wasn't. he was being serious.

"am i supposed to wait for you to choose me?" isadora exclaimed as if daring farkle to say something, but he didn't.

"riley, you told me you were done with me. you don't have feelings for me and why can't i go out with isadora? she's single, we are good friends, and i think she's beautiful with a great personality." zay admitted which made isadora blush.

"it's just one date, anyways, what if we both hate it and never go out again?" isadora smiled looking at zay before looking back at their friends.

"if we are being truthful.." farkle muttered, his eyes looking over at lucas who was looking at his food. "maya, the night of the accident.. i wasn't the one who saved you. lucas was."

"farkle, what the fuc-." lucas almost cursed as he slammed his hand against the table which everyone to look in his direction. "i didn't want her to find out!"

"she deserved to know!" farkle argued, he looked towards maya.

"w-what.." she softly said looking over at lucas. "is that true?"

lucas didn't say a word but instead looked down avoiding her gaze. he finally muttered, "i know you wanted nothing to do with me.. and if farkle found you.. you would've been way more happy than if it was me."

ronnie's eyes softened as she watched her boyfriend's action. she bit down on her lip before saying, "i think we should break up."

everyone became silent.

"woah." was the only word zay said cause even he was taken back at her sudden words.

lucas's expression softened as he looked up at ronnie who stared straight down at her fingers. she didn't bother to look at him.

"you can't be serious.." he chuckled lightly, even though no one said anything. "tell me you are joking."

"i think we should break up." she repeated. her eyes were glossy and she could feel herself beginning to almost break down in tears. "im sorry."

she abruptly got up and walked out the cafeteria. everyone sat there with shocked expressions not knowing what to say. lucas looked emotionless unable to comprehend what was happening.

maya had always wanted them to break up but not like this. now that it technically happened, she was more surprised then happy.

"what just happened.." he hoarsely whispered, clearing his throat.

"lucas." zay said softly as he went to go comfort his best friend, lucas shot up from his seat and went to go find ronnie.

the halls were fairly empty since everyone was at lunch, so he thought this couldn't be too hard. he first checked by her locker but she wasn't there. he then checked the class she had after lunch, but no one was in the room. lucian frowned and took his phone out. he texted her asking where she was but no reply.

he had driven her to school, so she couldn't leave or so he thought. he turned his head and noticed a girl that looked similar to ronnie walking down the hall towards the entrance of the school. he ran over to her, "veronica." he reached out and grabbed ahold of her arm pulling her towards him.

"let me go." she pulled her arm away from his grasp and looked up at him. her eyes softened, the skin around his eyes was a red pinkish color as if he was about to cry.

"why are you doing this?" he frowned, she looked away from him. "you've never acted like this.. i thought you were happy with me."

"im not." she lied, she bit the inside of her cheek to keep her facade. "i-i don't wanna be with you anymore."

"what.. why are you saying this..." he whispered as he grabbed ahold of her cheek and looked down into her eyes. "i love you."

"i don't love you." she lied once more pushing herself away from him. "i want you to be happy... you deserve it, okay? you are the kindest guy ive ever met and any girl who is with you.. is one lucky person."

his heart shattered at her first few words. he noticed the tears on the brim of her eyelids and the fake smile plastered on her lips.

"i don't want anyone else, but you.." he cupped her chin trying to get her to look at him but she diverted her eyes.

"i think you are lying." she managed to say even though it felt like she had a lump in her throat. "i think you have feelings for someone else."

he already knew who she was speaking of but he began to shake his head, "no. no.. i want you."

"please, don't make this harder for me. i don't wanna be with you anymore, lucas." she almost broke down, lying once again to him. she loved him with all her heart, but this was for the best. "leave me alone."

"veronica." he softly said her name as she pulled away from him. he watched her as she walked towards the entrance and leave the school. through the glass, he could see her get into her dad's truck and drive away.

unrequited | lucaya (completed)Where stories live. Discover now