16 | lightweight

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"riley, come to bed." lucas muttered with his eyes shut as he turned to sleep on his right side. "its.. twelve a.m. and everyone is already in bed.. asleep."

"no." she whispered in a low voice which was barely audible to lucas. she looked outside the window and watched every snowflake fall. she didn't like this feeling inside her heart. she would never wanna hurt zay but when he asked her... she couldn't lie to him. it wasn't all a lie, she didn't think they could get back together but she did love him wholeheartedly. he deserved better. he deserved someone who could give him all of them.

"rileeeeey." lucas groaned as he threw the pillow next to him and it hit her which snapped her out of her thoughts. "come to bed! tomorrow is the party and you need to rest up."

riley chuckled sincerely and picked up the pillow. she smiled at her friend and climb into bed next to him and turned on her side to face lucas who had his eyes closed.

"you love ronnie, right?" riley whispered in the quiet filled room.

"of course i do." lucas muttered with his eyes shut.

"do you love maya?" she asked, curiously and bit down on her bottom lip.

"yeah. yeah of course i love her she's my best friend." lucas answered simply but riley wasn't satisfied. she knew he loved her, more than just friends should.

"if you had to pick between ron and maya.. could you do it?" riley looked up at the ceiling and laid on her back.

his breath hitched for a moment before answering as if he was thinking of his answer. lucas could never choose between the two girls that meant the world to him. if ronnie asked him the same question would she be okay with the answer if it wasn't her? that's his girlfriend there isn't supposed to be any competition if someone asks you that about your significant other. at the same time he didn't know.

"lets go to sleep." he pleaded as he opened his eyes and noticed riley had her eyes closed. a smile spread on lucas's lips as he shut his eyes too and drifted off to the sleep.

the next morning was chaotic to say the least. as the lodge began to set up for the party; there was plenty of people coming in and out of the place. zay didn't come out of his room, but his friends weren't sure if it was because of the busy vibe or of riley. maya stayed in her room, also, but was mainly asleep. ronnie sat in the room with her and watched tv. which left isadora, farkle, riley, and lucas. a room full of ex lovers who still were good friends.

"so what happened exactly?" isadora asked as she popped a piece of chocolate into her mouth and looked at riley who was sitting across from her.

"does it matter anymore?" farkle retorted which surprised all four of them at his response. "sorry- i just don't want you to feel like you have to tell us."

"it's okay. i just want him to forgive me." riley mumbled and looked down at her fingers. "just because of my stupid feelings. he feels like th-"

as riley was mid sentence in walked zay with a large smirk on his lips. isadora raised her eyebrows as he sat down next to her.

"oh he's really distressed." isadora muttered which made riley glare at her.

"you seem happy." lucas commented on his best friend's attitude. farkle chuckled at his words and nodded his head in agreement.

"i am happy. i just needed some time to get over it." zay admitted as he took in a deep breath.

"get over me. you mean?" riley whispered under her breath so zay didn't notice her words.

they spent the middle of the day talking about different things but the topic of zay and riley didn't come up. zay would hardly look at riley but instead of pay more attention to anyone else. riley believed she was imagining it and was hoping they could talk again during the party.

unrequited | lucaya (completed)Where stories live. Discover now