17 | welcome back

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a/n: this chapter took forever. i rewrote it about three times.

ronnie stood there as she watched her boyfriend talk to zay and discuss the maya situation. she pretended not to notice the quiet talks they would share or maya's hurt eyes when they were together. lucas was her boyfriend yet it didn't feel like that anymore. lately it had been more about maya and lucas drama.

she wasn't jealous or worried about maya taking him from her but wanted them both to be happy. even at the expense of her own happiness. she loved lucas with every ounce of her being but so did maya and that's what bothered her the most.

the group had gotten home two days ago and it was monday which meant spring break was over. they only had two months till school was over and they would be seniors.

farkle, maya, zay and ronnie hadn't spoken a word about the kiss to anyone and no one would dare bring it up. zay tried to convince himself to tell riley the truth, but ronnie warned him it was for the best that either maya or farkle told her.

riley didn't figure it out nor did anyone tell her. isadora seemed more happy than she was before and enjoyed the time she shared with farkle and the others.

ronnie messed with the necklace, lucas had gotten her last year, in between her fingers. she didn't seem to notice that lucas and zay had finished talking till lucas walked closer to her and put his arm around her waist.

"hey, are you ready to go inside?" he smiled and planted a kiss on her lips. she softly kissed him back before looking up at him.

"yeah.." she muttered in a small voice before turning around and walking with him into the school. her brown eyes looked around the entrance of the school and noticed a few looks of strangers walking past but didn't stare.

"veronica!" a voice called out which snapped her out of the daze she was in. she stopped and turned around. she noticed it was one of her teachers who had called her and was walking over to them.

"ill see you later." she told lucas with a smile and kissed his cheek. he smiled back and walked away towards his class.

"i received a call back on that internship you applied for and they want you!" the older female cheered with pride.

a smile grew on ronnie's lips as she registered what her teacher had said and clapped her hands together in excitement.

"it will start as soon as school ends this year and it will be a whole summer long.." her teacher smiled and ronnie nodded.

"what?" ronnie's smiled faded as she registered what her teacher had said. "as soon as the school year ends?"

"yup. they want you to be ready to learn." her teacher explained. "i thought you really wanted this, veronica? think about it. you learning from some of the best."

"i just thought i would be able to spend half of my times there and here." she sighed and shook her head. "ill figure it out."

"don't let any guy hold you back, veronica. your writing is spectacular and it's a great chance for you to grow." the older woman smiled. "please let me know what you wanna do by the end of this week."

ronnie nodded her head and walked towards her locker. isadora grinned as she stood behind ronnie and covered her eyes.

"guess who?" she chuckled.

"uh.. charlie gardner." ronnie teased before turning to face isadora who had a smile on her lips. isadora moved and leaned against the locker next to ronnie's. the brunette took out the water she had brought. "i guess being a single girl suits you. has farkle talked you about his decision?"

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