09 | after hours

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isadora stared at herself in the mirror taking in her features. she kept making various faces to make herself look prettier. her face dropped as ronnie walked into her room with her arms crossed.

"what are you doing?" the brunette chuckled as she gave isadora a look before grabbing her book out her bag. "wait-"

"it's nothing!" isadora cut her off as she turned around and looked down avoiding ronnie's gaze. "i was just playing around."

"isa.." ronnie sighed and walked behind her. she turned isadora around to face the mirror and moved isadora's raven hair out of her face. "you are beautiful. just as pretty as riley if not more. stop overthinking things."

"you say that, but my boyfriend loves another girl. who is the most adorable thing on the planet!" isadora argued as she looked up at ronnie with a roll of her eyes. "i-i can't compete."

"farkle loves you for more than just your looks, babe." ronnie gave her an apologetic smile.


"no buts!" ronnie groaned as she dragged herself to her bed and grabbed their books. "we are studying. you have to help me get an A or else my grade will drop. it'll take your mind off of it. off of him."

and that's what they did. they studied till 10 o'clock at night, the time isadora had to go home.

on another side of town, maya was making sure she looked presentable. she fixed her hair once more before finally settling on her look. her phone vibrated on her dresser so she grabbed it and read the message she had received.

im here.

she tucked her phone away in her pocket as she walked towards her front door. her parents were already asleep so maya tried not to make much noise as she creeped towards the door. finally when she was out the door, she left the building. her eyes widened as there stood josh matthews in all his glory.

his eyes were on the screen of his iphone and he was leaning against his mustang. fuck. he always looked good, maya thought as she took a deep breath before walking towards him.

"get off your phone, chump." maya joked as she snatched his phone from his hands which made him chuckle. "who are you texting?"

"your competition." josh teased her as he grabbed her and picked her up. she laughed as she handed him the phone. he let her down and opened his passenger door. "my lady."

"if you get any cheesier my stomach might begin to hurt." the blonde chuckled even though she did kinda like it. she liked his attention. he closed her door once she got in and walked over to his side. "where are we going?"

"you'll see." he grinned as he got onto the road and kept quiet. time passed before finally parked again. "alright. close your eyes."

maya gave him an annoyed look but he signaled for her to cover her eyes so she did. she shut her eyes closed and listened as josh got out. seconds later he opened her door and lead her somewhere unfamiliar to her. she chuckled and rubbed her hands together due to the cold air. they continued walking then finally he stopped.

"open them." he softly said as she slowly opened her eyes. to her surprise there they stood at the entrance of the rockefeller center ice ring. it was empty besides the two of them.

"woah- josh." she chuckled as she looked at the icy floor and he smirked. "just us?"

"here." he disregarded her question as he handed her a pair of white ice skates.

the two joked around and spent the night under the stars enjoying each others company. for a while it felt perfect to maya. he was perfect to her. he managed to take her mind off of lucas fucking friar. he twirled her in his hands as they danced to the music in their heads.

to any out looker, they looked like two kids acting foolish in public; just the two of them. to maya it was the best time of her life.

he brought her closer to his body and she put her arms around his neck. he smiled looking down at her and she couldn't help but grin at him. she slipped on the ice as she tried to fix her stance and pushed into him. he slipped backwards as he held onto her.

the two laughed loudly as they landed on the ice.

"ow! talk about being a klutz." josh teased as he rubbed the back of his head with a small groan.

"shut up! you almost fell when you walked onto the ice." she argued as she smiled. "sorry."

"it's fine," he chuckled at her reaction and looked at her in her eyes. his brown orbs peered up at her as he leaned into her. maya clenched her fist as she leaned in also. her fingers released as their lips met.

while josh and maya were enjoying themselves. a boy who had spent his evening alone was trying to enter his girlfriend's- or whatever they were now- room. he knocked on her window even though all the lights were off.

riley yawned as she looked towards the window and noticed someone outside. she frowned as she dragged her self up off the bed, wrapping herself in her purple blanket. the brunette was exhausted, to say the least, she had finished homework only half an hour ago.

she hazily reached for the window lock and unlocked it. zay pulled the window up silently as riley rubbed her eyes with one hand. she yawned once more before laying back down on her bed.

"hey, babe." zay smiled as he went to kiss her but she had moved to her bed. he gave her a confused look as he sat down on the side of her bed. "usually you're excited to see me."

"usually you don't come at midnight." she grumbled from beneath her cover. zay glared in her direction before kicking off his shoes and crawling next to her. he wrapped his arms around her. 

riley tossed around under his arms as she tried to make herself comfortable, "you do know how to cuddle, right?"

"aren't you supposed to be asleep?" zay chuckled underneath his breath and shook his head. "i love you.. you know that, right?"

"yes, farkle, i know that." she muttered with her eyes still closed.

"farkle?" zay frowned as he sat up and let go of riley. which caused riley to open her eyes slowly, "what?"

"you called me farkle, riley. why?" he moved to the edge of the bed and began to put his shoes on.

"why are you leaving? it was an accident. come on, zay. it's late. i don't wanna fight cause i accidentally said farkle's name." she groaned as she sat up also rubbing her eyes. the brunette looked at zay with a sad look on her face.

"has farkle told you, he loved you recently?" he asked without looking at her.

"he's farkle; of course he tells me he loves me wh-" she began to say but was quickly interrupted.

"you know what i mean!" he spoke up, anger rising in his voice. he looked at riley who avoided his gaze. "he loves you.. he's in love with you. am i wrong?"

"farkle always says he loves me. i-i don't know what you want.." she tried to reason but he didn't care to listen.

"you're lying. why are you lying? sure, he says he loves you, but i mean real love. love that hurts. love that makes your stomach hurt at the thought of the person because losing them is the worst thing possible. love that you would fight for. love that you would give anything for!" he ranted as his eyes met hers. "you know that kinda love don't you, riley?"

she sat there; speechless at his words. her eyes move down and she swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat. riley nodded her head.

"now, tell me, riley.. who's love is making you feel that way? mines or his?" zay stood there in disbelief as riley didn't dare to answer. as he was about to open his mouth once again, the door of riley's room opened.

"riley? sweetie?" topanga opened the door and her eyes widen at the sight of zay in her daughters room so late. "i thought i heard someone else. zay i think you should leave.. it's late."

"no problem, mrs. matthews." zay kept his eyes on riley's as he walked past topanga to the front door. riley groaned as she sat there, her mom's eyes on her.

"please, can we talk about this in the morning? im drained." riley muttered as she ran her fingers through her tangled hair. topanga gave her an uneasy look before nodding her head, "goodnight, honey."

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