20 | moving on

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maya sat there listening to the teacher go on about the test they would be happening at the end of the year. she tapped her pencil softly against her book as she looked straight ahead at the board. she could feel a pair of eyes on her which as much as she tried to shake the feeling.. she couldn't. she turned her head and looked over at lucas who was sitting next to riley.

the brunette rose an eyebrow in confusion wondering why maya was looking back at them in the middle of the teacher's rant. she looked over at lucas who was staring back at her.

"are those the same clothes from yesterday?" riley muttered, in a low voice, only for lucas to hear.

"no.." he lied, diverting his eyes away from the back of maya's head.

"what is going on?" she frowned looking over at him, but the sound of the bell ringing quickly interrupted them. lucas shot up from his seat and began to walk towards maya but she darted out the door before he could say anything.

maya didn't dare look back at lucas as she quickly walked to her locker and put in her combination. that was just enough time for him to catch up with her.

he stood behind her as she reached for her textbook.

"why are you avoiding me?" he whispered to her and she bit down on her bottom lip before turning around. she faced lucas who had a worried look.

"im not." she lied with a small chuckle. "let's talk."

a small smile formed at her words, she shut her locker behind her before walking along side with him.

"so.. last night was.." he chuckled uncomfortably, rubbing the back of his neck.

"interesting." she finished his sentence. "you know i like you lucas, but you and ron broke up not even a week ago.. literally a couple of days ago."

"d-do you regret it?" he stuttered, finding himself at a loss of words. "i know. i shouldn't have.. come onto you? i don't know if those are the right words but.. i do care about you, maya, i always have and always will."

"no!" she quickly responded before softening her face. "do you?"

"of course not. it was nice." a sly smile formed on his lips which made maya roll her eyes with a small laugh.

"if we would've had sex that night at that party.. do you think things would be different?" she asked him, curiosity evident in her eyes as she looked over at him.

"probably. we were both young and dumb. who knows how that could've played out?" he shrugged his shoulders unsure of the answer himself. "im glad you were my first."

a small smile spread across her lips at his words. she was about to open her mouth and respond when something or someone caught her eyes. she noticed ronnie in the front office.

"uh.. ill catch up you at lunch.. we can talk later?" she grinned before he could respond, she walked towards the brunette who seemed busy talking to the counselor.

maya walked closer and that's when ronnie noticed her. a smile grew as ronnie turned towards her friend, "hey, maya."

"what the hell, ronnie." maya harshly spoke as she grabbed ahold of the brunettes hand, pulling her towards a more secluded place. "what is going on? you break up with lucas then proceed not to show your face for the rest of the week?"

"is that a hickey?" ronnie commented as she moved maya's blonde hair away from her neck which made maya blush and pull away from her touch. it took a moment for ronnie to put two and two together but she stayed calm. even though inside she was freaking out and wanted to yell lucas was her boyfriend- she couldn't no more. "im leaving."

unrequited | lucaya (completed)Where stories live. Discover now