11 | that one night

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the end of freshman year. that one night where it was just lucas and maya. they went to an upperclassmen party and maya was thrilled to be invited. the quarterback of the football team was throwing it since his parents went on spring break early and all the football players were required to go or be faced with consequences from the other members.

"okay, huckleberry, this is how it'll go. you and i will show up together then ill find a surprising attractive person- preferably josh matthews, but i don't think he is gonna be here." maya sighed as she readjusted her necklace and glanced over in lucas's direction.

"fine. fine! are you done?" lucas chuckled as he put his hands in the pocket of his jacket. he looked over at her and she rolled her eyes.

"one more thing- how do i look?" maya asked as she stepped in front of him which made lucas stop in his tracks and she twirled on the heel of her shoes with a smile forming. "you know what.. don't answer that. ill meet you inside since you wanna walk so slow."

as lucas watched her walk away into the house, he couldn't help but chuckle. a smile grew as he muttered the word, "beautiful."

inside the house; it reeked of alcohol and it was evident that two-thirds of those invited couldn't legally drink. yet that didn't stop any of them. lucas looked around for maya realizing she had wander off without him. he walked towards the kitchen which had plenty of snacks and various bottles scattered along the counter with plenty of people picking at it.

"no, dude, i swear! this chick was so fucking gorgeous- i don't know her name, but she's new. drew said that the moving trucks barely left earlier this evening."

lucas unknowingly listened into a group of dudes discussing the new girl who had moved close to where one of them lived. he poured himself a drink from one of random bottles, not caring about it. he turned towards the group and raised his eyebrows, "so who's the girl?"

"we wish we knew, friar!" one of them groaned.

"did drew get her number?"

"no! he pussied out. i think she's gonna go to our school though."

as lucas brought the cup to his lips, he cringed at the taste of the drink. he turned his head when he suddenly felt someone's eyes on his. missy stood there with a sly smirk growing on her lips.

adolescent did her well- body wise. her hair which used to be long and dark brown was now shorter and beach blonde colored. she looked different and lucas couldn't help but like her new look.

"lukey!" she purred as she wrapped her arms around him which made lucas internally groan at the nickname but he was nicer than that.

"hey, missy." lucas offered a friendly smile as he could smell the scent of alcohol on her breath and didn't want her to do anything she would regret tomorrow. he held onto her to keep her from falling in the heels she was wearing.

"how have you beeen? you look so good." she cooed as she brought the drink in her hand to her lips but lucas quickly grabbed it from her with a laugh.

"ill take this.." he took it in his hand to keep her from becoming more intoxicated.

"oh! you want it. that's fine- drink it!" she giggled as she moved his hand up to his lips and made sure he drank it with a smirk.

"miss-" he began to say but his eyes widened as he drank the liquid. he shook his head at the taste then threw it down. "fuck."

"it's good.. righ-" as missy began she was quickly cut off by the sound of a group of boys cheering. lucas looked in the direction and noticed a short blonde downing shots with boys who were obviously older. maya.

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