21 | goodbyes

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ronnie was in the middle of putting the last of her clothes into her suitcase when a knock on her door interrupted her train of thought. the brunette looked up and noticed it was lucas. she smiled softly before continuing what she was doing before.

"so you and maya?" she filled the silence with her single question. lucas couldn't see her face so he couldn't see her expression as she mentioned the other blonde.

"veronica.." he started but she quickly stopped him before he continue.

"no need to explain anything to me." she chuckled, even though it hurt for her to laugh at the thought of her first love being with someone else. at least for now. "we aren't together."

"stop." he grabbed her arm, keeping her from packing her clothes. he pulled her into him and wrapped his arms around her. "why didn't you tell me about the internship?"

"i can't stop." she whispered against his chest. "my flight leaves in a hour.."

he didn't budge. he kept her close to his body as if it was their last moment together and to lucas it was. he inhaled her familiar scent as he kept his arms around her.

"i didn't think it would matter, we would've broke up anyways maybe after school ends or during the summer and it's easier this way." she cheerfully replied even though lucas knew she didn't mean any of it. "why can't you make this simple?"

"simple? you want me to let you walk out on our relationship? on me?" he raised his eyebrows. "this is an important opportunity for you; i understand that but i know you. i know us. without you.."

"you won't be alone." she told him, her fingers laced with his pulling him onto her bed. she sat down next to him and faced him. "you introduced to five of the most wonderful, sometimes screwed up, friends. who love you so much."

"veronica.." he sighed, his eyes avoiding her gaze.

"this is something i really want lucas." her smile was genuine as she grabbed lucas's chin and turned his head to face her. locking her brown eyes with lucas's green ones. she was beautiful in lucas's eyes and didn't wanna lose her but he knew he had to. "i love you, but so does maya. i think you know that, though. it's okay if you had sex with her."

his eyes widen at her words. "w-what?" he stuttered in surprise that she knew about maya.

"im not clueless, lucas." she teased running her fingers through his blonde hair. "it's fine.. im not mad. i have no reason to be. you make me the happiest and helped me settle into new york when i was the new girl. if it wasn't for you.. i don't know what i would do."

"you're really not mad?" he chuckled lightly grabbing on her hand pulling her into him.

"im just a little jealous." she admitted with a laugh before placing her lips on his one final time.

he broke away after a few moments of their lips interlocked with each others. "the internship.. is this something you really want?"

"yes." she exclaimed with a grin. "it's only for a summer."

"only for a summer?" he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"i plan on graduating here with my friends." she chuckled with a smirk growing. "this isn't the last you'll see of me, friar."

lucas couldn't believe her words as she spoke but just smiled back at her. he was in love with her and no matter what happened she would always have a spot in his heart.. she was his first love.

"i look forward to the next time we meet, bells." he stood up on his feet and placed a soft kiss on her cheek.

"im only a phone call away." she smiled as she watched him leave.

"hey, you." farkle announced with a smirk as he climbed into riley's room through her window. he reached out to grab her by the waist and pull her into him but she pulled away.

"what's wrong?" he questioned with a furrow of his eyebrows. she never acted this way and it confused him.

"can we talk?" she muttered as she seated herself down on the bay window. with a nod of his head, he planted himself next to her. he was worried by the look on her face. something was bothering her.

"what's wrong, riley?" he asked once more slowly grabbing her chin for her to focus on him. she smiled softly before speaking.

"i love you, but you knew that already." she chuckled. "i know you love both smackle and i, but I need to love myself before I can give myself to you."

"im confused, what are you saying?" he asked with a sigh. riley slowly grabbed ahold of his hand on her cheek. she held onto his hand tightly with a smile growing.

"i don't want to become depended on a guy. ive dated lucas, zay, and then there's you... i tend to fall for the guys who i trust.. based on my track record anyways." she admitted. "seeing zay with isadora kinda shocked me. i do wanna be with you but not right now. i need to be by myself for a while."

"you made the decision for me." he muttered under his breath. he looked into her brown eyes before pulling his hand away from her grasp which surprised her.

"wh-what?" she frowned in confusion as she watched him stand on his feet. he shot her a glare before climbing out her window, leaving riley all alone. physically and mentally.

isadora couldn't help but laugh as she walked with zay through the park. they had met up for lunch earlier and decided to take a walk together. she looked over at him as he spoke more about his life back in texas. the places he missed and his family.

"i having a great time today." he admitted, it was nice being alone with each other. he enjoyed her company. "i mean it."

"i am too." she grinned up at him.

"this might be a fuck boy move, but im gonna seize this moment." he chuckled as he put his arm around her shoulder which made her laugh. she didn't mind one bit.

"take me home?" she raised her eyebrows. he blushed and she quickly hit his arm. she sarcastically remarked, "not on the first date, what kind of girl do you think i am?"

"oh.. so there will be another date?" he seemed intrigued.

"possibly." she teased him with a roll of her eyes. "just take me home."

a/n: this chapter is so bad ugh sorry i really wanted to get it out. next chapter is the last which will be quite long if i have the inspo

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