07 | lucas and maya

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maya hummed the tune of her favorite song as she watched lucas from afar. she was waiting for him since he said he would give her a ride. from this distance, she examined his features. his dirty blonde hair was ruffled messily. his emeralds green orbs that could make any girl melt. he was everything, she wanted, but he was always far away. too far for maya to reach.

the blonde watched as lucas greeted his girlfriend and pulled her into him putting his hands on her waist. placing a kiss on her lips and she returned the gesture with a large smile growing between the kiss they shared. they were perfect together. it was visible to everyone.. even maya.

"maya!" lucas's voice snapped her out of her thoughts as he came closer to her. he had his charming smile as he walked towards his truck. "sorry. i was late. i forget my keys in my locker."

"it's fine. ronnie's not gonna ride with us?" maya furrowed her eyebrows as she opened the door to his truck and got in the passenger seat.

"nope, she has a study group soon so she's gonna get a ride with them." he shrugged as he got into the drivers seat and started the car. he slowly drove out the school parking lot before getting on the road. "besides- it's like old times. just you and me."

"the old times.. too bad it will never actually be like old times." the blonde rolled her eyes as she sat back against the seat. "you and ronnie. isadora and farkle. riley and zay. where do i fit in?"

"may-" he began to say but was quickly cut off.

"no, lucas. im serious. i hang around with couples on a daily basis and i just sit there alone. wanting someone who will never be mine." the blonde looked over at him and he looked away.

"im sorry." he sighed and as his eyes glanced over at maya for a quick second that's when he noticed something peeking out her pocket.

"yeah.. well whatever." she looked down. lucas sighed and turned into the parking lot of central park.

"what the fuck is this?" he angrily furrowed his eyebrows as he pulled the small item out of her hoodie's pocket. there in between his fingers was a tightly rolled up blunt.

"lucas-" she tried to make up an excuse but lucas wasn't having any of it.

"really maya? why the fuck do you even have this? you had this in school or what?" his voice seemed to raise as his anger grew.

"josh gave it to me! i told him i was feeling a little down and he gave it to me! i wasn't gonna use it. i was gonna throw it away as soon as i could." maya argued as she watched lucas's reaction. "why do you even care, lucas? it has nothing to do with you!"

"this is illegal, maya! if you get caught with this at school that's an automatic indefinite suspension! i care.. because i care about you! what don't you get?" he sighed as he crushed it between his fist.

"who are you? my dad? what i do is my business! not yours- whatever, lucas. you only care about me when your girlfriend isn't around and im done with this. you don't care. you'll never care." maya huffed as she opened the car door.

lucas quickly grabbed her arm which kept her from moving, "that's not true. you know it isn't. why are you acting like this?"

"because ive had feelings for you since ive met you, you... you asshole!" maya yelled as she yanked her arm free from his tight grasp. "but ill never be anything more than just a friend... and that's only how you'll ever see me!"

maya's vision had gone cloudy as she avoided lucas's eyes. she stepped out of the car. lucas sat there with his mouth gaped open as he tried to process what she had said. he wanted to act surprised, but he'd be lying if he said that he didn't know about her feelings. he just chose to ignore them.. hoping they would slowly go away. just like his feelings had for her.

lucas exhaled a long groan as he shut his truck door and ran after the female who was walking a quick pace. he pushed past a few people walking in his direction and it seemed the closer he felt like he had gotten.. the farther she was.

"maya!" he called out which caused some of the people to glare at him but he didn't care. lucas reached out to grab the blonde and pulled her by the arm. maya's eyes widen at the feeling of someone pulling her and she looked back at lucas.

"let go of me!" she cried and that's when lucas finally got a good look face-to-face with maya. her ocean colored blue eyes were a pinker shade and her eyes were puffy. she had one tear stain and by the look in her eyes she wasn't done crying.

"maya.." his voice soften as he tried to read her expression.

"no! you don't get to do that, lucas!" maya pushed lucas off of her with every ounce of strengthen she had left in her body. lucas scrunched his eyebrows in confusion, not understanding what she was talking about. "you don't get to confuse me- cause that's what you do!"

"what are you talking about? i don't ever confuse you." lucas argued as he looked down at the blonde. "it's very clear, maya- I have a girlfriend!"

"then why did you drink at the party." maya ran her fingers through her hair and that's when lucas finally realized what she meant. "yeah.. yeah.. just leave me alone."

maya turned around and began to walk away.

"stop. don't leave." he reached out and grabbed her hand before she could go any farther. he pulled her into him and wrapped his arms around her. "you're my best friend.. i need you."

"lucas," maya said softly against his chest as she just stood there.

"im sorry. i never wanna be the cause of your pain." he whispered as the two stood there as if they were the only ones. "just. please, stay with me."

maya closed her eyes as she was pressed against lucas's chest with his arms around her shoulders.

"i love you." the words left maya's lips in a abrupt second and as soon as she heard herself; she wished she didn't say it.

lucas stood there still holding onto her but looked straight ahead. he turned pale as soon as he heard her. his eyes were wide but didn't say a word. he didn't wanna let go of maya- in fear of her noticing him trembling on the inside.

so they stayed there for a moment without saying a word. a couple minutes passed before he finally filled the silence between them.

"l-let's go.. um- i have a lot of homework to start on." he lied as he slowly pulled away from her and turned around. maya stood there with an disappointed expression as she watched him walk back to his truck.

maya would be lying if she said she expected him to say something. truth be told, she knew how this would end. she loved him and he didn't love her. which is the worst kind of love.

the car ride wasn't much better. neither dared say a word to eachother. lucas kept his eyes on the road and maya would occasionally glance over at him but never looked longer than a second.

as much as maya craved him and wanted him to admit his true feelings for the blonde.

she already got his answer, which was evident in the complete and utter silence.

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