13 | skiing

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isadora couldn't sleep. she was tossing and turning thinking about lucas's words. maybe her and farkle were just prolonging the inevitable. the raven haired female sat up from her bed which caused zay to grumble in his sleep.

"isadora." he said with his eyes closed. he reached out to grab the girl but she was at the edge of the bed.

"im fine." she assured him as she got up from their bed and walked towards the bathroom. it was pretty late at night so most of the lights were off besides the ones in the entrance. isadora groggily walked into the dark room and the lights quickly illuminated due to motion sensor.

she stood there and stared at herself in the mirror before hearing a small knock. her eyes widened as she turned to face riley who was standing there in her purple pajamas.

"why are you awake?" isadora asked her friend as she turned back towards her reflection in the mirror.

"i could ask you the same thing." riley chuckled and walked closer to isadora. "when lucas sleeps, he needs something to hold onto so i wake up every few hours to him holding onto me and have to wake him up."

"i guess cause the only person he ever sleeps with is ronnie." isadora shrugged her shoulders. "i wonder how farkle and maya are doing?"

"you wanna talk about it?" riley seemed confused as she leaned against the counter of the sink and looked towards isadora.

"no, but-" isadora started but was quickly cut off by riley.

"then don't." she sighed. "we will talk about this tomorrow but it's too late and i have a minor headache."

"goodnight, riley." isadora offered a friendly smile before leaving the restroom.

the next morning everyone woke up around noon and they were all grateful they could sleep in. maya yawned as she laid down on the couch near the fire. she had just finished brushing her teeth and combing her hair but she was still sleepy.

"mayaaaa." riley sang and hoped onto the seat next to her with a smile.

"you seem oddly happier than usual." maya slowly opened up her right eye and looked at her best friend.

"good morning, sunshines." ronnie grinned as she walked towards the couch with isadora.

"why is everyone so happy this early in the morning?" maya groaned and turned to face the other way.

"so today do you guys wanna hit the slopes?" ronnie suggested. "I don't know what the boys are planning on doing but i would love for us to have a girls day."

"that sounds fun!" riley agreed.

"it's snowing quite hard are you sure?" isadora's eyes moved towards the window and looked at the snow falling down to the ground.

"we won't be gone too long." maya muttered and slowly sat up from the couch. "come on, isadora, we will leave when it dies down."

"i don't know if it's a good idea, it doesn't look too good." isadora sighed before giving in and nodding her head. "okay. okay."

"great! come on. ill go tell the guys and we meet up here in an hour." riley grinned and grabbed maya's arm pulling her to her feet then walking towards her room she shared with lucas.

there sitting on the bed was lucas, zay was on the foot of the bed talking about something while farkle listened.

"sorry to interrupt, boys, but we are gonna go skiing soon. so.." riley looked down which made lucas simply nod.

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