22 | summer

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it was the last week of high school then it was finally summer break. it was a wednesday and everyone was ready for the day to finally be over. they were half way through the week. maya didn't mind, she was in a content place.

her and lucas talked a lot about that one night. even though it was awkward, they were both secretly happy it was with each other. you could easily catch lucas staring at her when she wasn't looking and vise versa.

"hey, you." lucas's familiar voice caught maya's attention while she was talking to her friend about next year. she told her friend bye before turning towards the other blonde.

"hi.." she muttered with a small smile growing. she noticed his eyes peering down at her with a smirk on his lips. "what?"

"nothing.. i just was wondering.." he tried to say but he couldn't work up the courage to come out with the words. maya crossed her arms, waiting patiently for him to ask his question.

"okay, im just gonna come out and say it!" he hyped himself up as he took in a small breath. yet no words came out.

"yesss?" she dragged the 's' on in confusion on why he was acting like this. she had never seen him act this way. he was about to open his mouth when riley approached the two.

"peaches!" she cheerfully smiled as she reached for maya's arm. she wrapped her arms around maya's one arm. the brunette stood there for a moment before looking up at lucas and then back to maya. "uh.. did i interrupt something?"

"riley! why are you walking so fast?" farkle groaned once he finally caught up with the brunette. he caught his breath before looking up at the three friends. "what's going on?"

"lucas was gonna ask me something, but he won't spit it out." maya teased, she looked back up at lucas who looked nervous.

"what is it?" riley raised her eyebrows looking over at him too.

"i don't think-" lucas nervously chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck as he looked at their faces.

"anything you ask maya, you can ask in front of me." riley rolled her eyes with a giggle. "oh and farkle!" she added as she grabbed farkle's hand pulling him closer to her.

maya gave him an apologetic look before slightly agreeing, "you can ask me anything, huckleberry, you've never been this shy."

lucas looked at his three friends before letting out a frustrated sigh and walking away from them. maya frowned as she watched him leave. she pulled away from riley's grasp slowly, "ill catch up with you both later."

she soon left and followed him. riley looked over at farkle who was awkwardly standing there. the underlining tension between the two friends was thick.

they decided to disregard their feelings for each other ever since the one conversation together. it was weird for both of them to be around each other even though they always thought it wouldn't be. farkle resented riley a bit for rejecting him or at least that's the way he saw it.

"im gonna go." he mumbled as he began to walk away but riley grabbed onto his sweater.

"wait." she bit down on her bottom lip and looked down. "do you wanna come over tonight?"

"i don't think that's a good idea." was all he said before pulling away from her grasp. he couldn't be alone with riley without wanting to be affection towards her. he still needed time to control himself and push the feelings away.

"okay." she muttered, her eyes followed him till he turned the corner. in her heart, she knew she made a mistake but it made sense in her mind. she wasn't ready to give herself to someone. at least not right now.

unrequited | lucaya (completed)Where stories live. Discover now