The New Girl?

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Ryan's POV~

I had just got up for school and all of a sudden I hear Mark telling me I'm late. I looked at my clock and I'm 30 minutes behind. I jump out of bed and through on some clothes. As I went into the kitchen I grabbed an apple and then went to grab my backpack.

As soon as I ran out the door I hear Mark yelling at me to wait for him but I just ignored him and ran to my bus stop.

I saw Spyder and Harris waiting there for me. There was something off though about the stop it seemed more crowded. As I looked around I saw a girl I had never seen before. I looked back at Harris and Spyder not really caring "Guys! Why didn't y'all come over yesterday we were supposed to work on that science project that's due tomorrow!" I told them "Sorry dude, but I had other things to do" Spyder said "What was that?" I asked him not believing a word he said. He started to just mumble words "What?" I asked, "I was playing video games, okay!?" He said louder and that new girl just looked at him like he was crazy and put her headphones on.

Finally the bus came and me and Harris sat together while in front of us was Spyder who ended up with the new girl. I don't have a good feeling bout her for some reason I don't know why I just don't. There is something about her that throws me off.

Mack's POV~ 

I don't like the fact my mom moved me back here. I mean I loved it here and still do but we left because of me and my friends, that I don't really remember, but jeez you prank call the cops two times and suddenly your parents think your friends are bad influences even though in my memory I told them to do it. I just want to get to school and have my day be over with then go home to my mom and eat a good dinner then play MMOs, is that so much to ask for?

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