I'm Sorry Spyder

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Mack's POV~

What's up with Ryan...why is he being so nice to me I thought he hated me...but.. I have this feeling now about Ryan...something I've never felt with anyone, not even Spyder. What is this? 

Ryan's POV~

 I can't believe all of this, so much is happening so fast. This right now though, me here with Mack, it feels right. 

 "M-Mack?" I asked quietly "yea Ryan" she said meekly. That's when I went for it, I kissed her and she kissed me back almost instantly. This felt right. I pulled back and I could feel my face heat up a bit, and Mack had a light pink tint in her face, it was adorable. 

Spyder's POV~

 I couldn't leave Mack alone, I had to find Mack and Ryan. I ran to one of the math rooms first, no sign of them. Maybe science? I ran to the hall with a lot of science rooms down it and started looking through the windows of the doors to find them. 

 I heard talking and followed the sound. I looked through the window of the room heard them from, and saw Ryan kiss Mack...she kissed him back...

 I decided to walk in the room.

Ryan's POV~

 "S-Sorry.. I probably shouldn't have done that..." I said quietly, "It-" Mack was cut off "What are you sorry for Ryan?" I heard Spyder's voice from behind me. I started to feel guilty. I turned around "oh...hey Spyder, and to answer your question it's nothing...just something I probably shouldn't have done..." I said trying to explain without letting him know what just happened. "Oh really?...cause from what  just saw. You decided to kiss Mack when you know we have a thing." Spyder said with pure jealousy in his voice. "I haven't even got to kiss her yet.." He finished what he was saying.

 "Spyder ple-" "Shut up Mack," Spyder yelled. " I can't believe you right now...you have all these feelings for me..but then..you kiss my bestfriend." "Spyder if you would just-" "It's okay Mack" I said trying to defend her.

 "Spyder this isn't you...look I'm sorry I know I shouldn't have kissed Mack, but you're not the only one with feelings for her," "And I just want you and me to be friends Spyder...we've both gone through so much heart break and you get jealous too easily," Mack said looking down.

 "What?" Spyder asked with tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry," Mack whispered clearly trying not to cry. "I-I understand...I'll leave..." Spyder wa-" Mack said, but she was too late Spyder ran out the door breaking down to tears.

 "Ryan," Mack asked meekly "Yea?" I asked "Can I stay over with you and Mark tonight...I don't want to be alone, not after everything today.." Mack said finally looking up from the floor. "Yea, sure I'm sure my mom wouldn't mind," I smiled. "C-Can we leave now?" "Sure, Mack" I said as she put up the computer she had. 

 We walked back to the Gym, back to Mark and Harris. "W-Where's Spyder?" Mack asked Harris, "Don't worry your boyfriend's fine, he went home a little bit ago," Mack looked down. God I knew i shouldn't have kissed her, then maybe this wouldn't be happening right now cause I hate seeing her sad.

 "Well...Mack's staying with us tonight Mark she doesn't want to be alone," "Okay that's fine cause mom texted me not long ago saying all of our mom's except Spyder's left for the night." Mark explained "So.. Harris has to come with us to, as per the moms" "Oh okay cool," Harris said. "Maybe we can see if Spyder wants to co-" "Please no" Mack interrupted Harris. "Oh..Okay," Harris said meekly.

 "Okay my children let's go," Mark said jokingly. Mack laughed, which made me smile. 

I hope everything will be okay soon, so I can see her happy forever...

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