His Love

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Spyder's POV~

I want her back, the thought of her with Grey...I can't bare it.   What is wrong with me? Why am I so hung up on this girl?

"Guys let's go," Ryan said and we got ready to go.

~~~~~Time Skip ~~~~~

We got there and hid the robot, obliviously. We walked into the school gym, and the first thing I saw was Mack she was passed out tied to a chair, her head hanging low...felt a single tear fall from my eye.

We all walked up to her, but before we could even get close Grey walked in front of Mack and we all cam to a stop. I was standing behind Ryan at this point, cause we were all close so no one got hurt. 

I saw Mack move a little and heard a groan of pain, but she was still out. "What do you want Grey!" I heard Mark say with anger in his voice. I get it though Mack is one of his closest friends. I was mad too, but I think it's for a different reason....I think I really like Mack, but I'm not sure.

"I just want to show you that I am capable of more than you think," Grey said fake acting like she was nice. "Give us back, Mack," Harris said with an angry expression on his face,and his fist balled up.

"Oh where's the fun in that," Grey said with a pout. We heard Mack groan again and moved but this time she was awake, I wanted to smile but then realized the situation we were in.

"What the fuck-" Mack started to say before she saw Grey in front of her. She started to move around a lot but was being burned, badly, as if she were about to catch flames. "Ahhh, What the fuck how the hell is this rope doing that," Mack said with agony in her voice. 

"It should only be able to do that for monsters, and people with powers other than being a techno-path since we couldn't get it to work on them," Grey said confused. I think we all were confused....all except Mack.

She had this look of guilt and fear on her face, Did she know something we didn't? Did her mom know? 

Mack's POV~

They were learning...learning my secret...the only one...I needed to...keep from them...before I lost them...my mom had told me later on in the night of the same day I learned about my eyes. I'm not just a techno-path, I am much more.

The ropes were burning so bad, could this be the end of me? Burned by some stupid rope? No. I now I have to do something about this...I just don't want to loose them. Especially not Spyder or Mark.

I began to work through the pain and burning sensation to escape the rope. My eyes...I could feel them changing colors again but they burned. It felt like they were on fire. I wanted to cry but I couldn't. I had finally gotten out of the ropes, before the burning sensation feeling in my body had left everywhere but my eyes. 

I was filled with rage towards Grey she needed to pay. But if you hurt her Spyder will think of you as different, if you use this power you'll lose him, you'll lose all of them. Who? What? What was that?...

It didn't matter anymore she needs to pay. I shot my arm up to face towards her, and a ball of light escaped and hit her, then she flew back. As she did I felt this feeling...this feeling of power and destruction, I love it.

I walked towards Grey getting more and more angry. I kept hitting her with balls of light, she looked weak I got ready to hit her again I had my hand up and ready to through down at her. Until "Please...stop..." she had said bleeding and out of breath. 

I didn't want to stop, but I felt...mercy for her. That's when it hit me...what I was doing...I'm a monster...I started backing up away from Grey in tears and I looked at the boys who were just standing there in shock... I kept backing up till I finally feel to my knees and put my head in my hands.

I heard footsteps coming towards and away from me. I then felt 4 presences and they all hugged me. I looked up to see Mark, Spyder, Harrison, and Ryan all hugging me and I saw that Grey was gone.

Spyder's POV~

What had just happened..I'm so confused...but that doesn't matter now...now is a time to comfort Mack...she's been through a lot

We all just kept our embrace on Mack as she cried and called herself a monster repeatedly. Everyone let go of her and I put both hands on her shoulders and looked her in the eyes "Mack you're not a monster you, were protecting us and yourself." I told her in a calming voice "No...I'm a monster I couldn't control my anger and if I didn't stop I could've hurt one of you guys" "but you didn't..we're all alive" Mark had said.

Mack went silent, it I was honestly hurt because of what she feels she is, but she isn't...what is wrong with me why am I so caught up in her?

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