What Did You Do

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Spyder's POV~

  I woke up and got ready for school. I was so curious of what happened yesterday. I hope Mack will tell me.

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

Finally I'm at school...wow never thought I'd be so happy about school... But that doesn't matter I need to find Mack.

  I started running through the halls. Until I get to the hall with the art room. I saw Mack with...a guy.

Could she like him and not me? Did she lead me on? Wow, I-I can't believe I fell in love with her. I better go find the guys, they'll take my mind off it.

Mack's POV~

  I saw Spyder start to walk away from the hallway I was in. I was gonna see if he was fine, but this guy wouldn't let me. "Where do you think you're going?" He asked me. "Leave me alone, creep." I snapped back.

  "Who's gonna make me?" He asked. I noticed Mark in the hallway. He looked at me and I gave him a look to let him now I needed help. He noticed it. "I said who's gonna make me?" He said taking a step closer as I took one back.

  Mark must've heard him cause hame up between me and the guy and said "I am." The guy looked furious and stormed off. Mark looked at me. "Thanks, he wouldn't leave me alone." I said.

  "No problem, Mack, let's go find the other guys." I nodded. We headed off since school didn't actually start for another 30 minutes.

Spyder's POV~

  I told Ryan and Harris what I saw and they looked at me sympathetically. "Hey guys." I heard Mark's voice and turned around to see Mack with him.


  I started to walk off but... Mack came up to me. "Hey, is something wrong?" She asked as if she didn't know. "Yes, something is wrong.... You're here, can you just leave already?" I snapped realizing what I have done. She looked hurt and with tears in her eyes.

  "Mack wa-" I tried to speak but she already walked, then ran away. Then the guys walked over to me. "Dude what did you do?" Harris asked then Harris and Mark ran after Mack,  leaving me with Ryan.

  "Dude, what did you do that for?" Ryan asked sounding really concerned. I stood there...speachless still shocked at what I've done.

Next thing I new Ryan gave up and ran in the same direction as the rest on the group.

  She hates me now...doesnt she?

Mack's POV~

  I ran to my safe spot, which in behind the bleachers. I sat there crying. What did I do? I am an issue? What's wrong with me?

Mark's POV~

  When me and Harris ran after Mack, it wasn't to long till I saw Ryan not far behind. We have looked everywhere but the gym...WHICH IS WHERE MACK'S SAFE SPOT IS... STUPID MARK.

  We ran in the gym and I ran behind the bleachers to see Mack...crying. It hurt me to see her in pain.

  "Mack!" Ryan and Harris yelled together. She looked up to see all of us.

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

Harris and Ryan told us what they think it was about and Me and Mark told them what really happened...but I think Mack is mad at Spyder now...

  Honestly... I'm kinda scared now.

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