Wait What?!

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Spyder's POV~

  I'm on my way to the park and then my mom calls me to come home. Like really mom you couldn't have just told me earlier that I couldn't go to the park that would have saved me a lot of energy.

  I got back to the house and my mom was standing at the door with a dress on and LOTS of makeup on.

  "Hurry up get dressed we have places to be!" My mom demanded. I walked in my room to get changed and I found that all my clothes were...shredded

  I guess this will have to do then. I walked back to my mom and told her let's go, she didn't question it because we were in a rush, thank god for that I didn't feel like dealing with her nagging.

  Once we got there I saw Mack. I rather be on MMO's but she is my friend after all.

Mack's POV~


Why can't I be at home playing video games. Well, nothing I can do bout it now I hope we don't have to be here long, but our mom's are complete chatter boxes.

As we are waiting for food I'm texting DragonWing.

As I was waiting for a reponse from him, just like always Spyder starts to get on my nerves. Honestly I don't like Spyder and he knows it.

I text DragonWing because he finally replies. "H-Hey...are you getting texts?" Spyder questioned me. I threw a confused look and DW texted "Are you literally who I think you are?"...

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