MMO buddy

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Mack's POV~

Homeroom is probably going to suck along with the rest of my classes. As I walked into the class I saw that kid who looked at me funny at the bus stop.

"Class it looks like we have a new student joining us today." Mr. Merritt (idk) said loudly to the class. I tried to walk faster to find a seat, but before I could the teacher grabbed my arm and dragged me up in front of the class. "Go on and introduce yourself young lady." He told me. "Okay? name is Mack... I used to live here when I was younger..." Then I mumbled "and I really don't want to be here now." The teacher told me to sit by some kid named Spyder and a boy raised his hand. I thought to myself "Why does that name seem familiar to me."

Ryan's POV~

Oh no she is sitting by Sypder, gosh I feel bad for him. I began to think "Mack............Mack............I've heard that name before, but where?"

Spyder's POV~

Great I can't sit by myself anymore, and it's worse I have to sit by a girl. Her name seems familiar though. Where have I heard it before?

Mack's POV~

This class is so boring I think I'm gonna talk to my MMO friend, DragonWing, but I have a better name, DarkRaven.


Hey dude




High School is stupid


You think it sucks well just wait till we have to beat that boss later in That dungeon 8D




Bet I made you laugh tho


Whatever but I gotta go I'm bout to leave homeroom


Same bai



Well now I'm bored and I have two more minutes till first period. Ugh.... After class I saw two boneheads talking bout "varsity" and then headbutting, gosh I can't wait till school is over.

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