I need you DragonWing...

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So if I go back a change stuff in my last chapters just go with it. I do it to make my books better. Thx for understanding. ---------------------------------

Mack's POV~

I was in my 3rd period being bored cause I was done with drawing our student canvis which was Harris. (Yeah Harris takes art with Mack but the others aren't in this class) Harris is an easy canvis to draw.

I guess I could text DragonWing I mean I've been actually going through a lot. Being bullied is the main thing cause of my dark clothes and hair style I'm called and emo, which I am, and a freak, and a boy just because I have hair that doesn't pass my shoulders even though it still looks like girl hair. I guess I'll text him though.




What's up


Nun just bored with this art class


You draw?


Yeah I've told you that, just this human canvis we have to draw was really easy.


Oh haha. Well guess you have to be more challenged 8D




Haha never gets old


Whatever, you...me...dungeon later XD we'll see who is laughing then.


Ok fine.. I gotta go D.R class is almost over.


Same here bai



He is so weird, but I gotta get to gym class. Which I have with Spyder and Ryan. At least I have someone to talk to in that class. I'd rather talk to D.W though I haven't really talked to him that much and the boys are taking me somewhere today I wonder where. I guess I'll have to figure it out later but for now gym class, I'm gonna show up Ryan and Spyder and I'm gonna laugh.

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