Why Me?

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Mack's POV~

I walked home which was weird cause I guess that kid Spyder and his friends live near me cause they were behind me on my way home. It was annoying cause they were talking bout science or whatever they were really loud, louder than music which is very loud. On top of that I was trying to text DragonWing, but he wouldn't answer. I really wish I could have talked to him cause school was a drag today. High school is so dumb, I hated my classes.

As soon as I walked in the door of my house my mom looked at me. "Yay, your finally home I'm going g to the park to meet up with a few old friends of mine and your gonna come with me." my mom said, "What why do I have to go?" I whined. "Because there kids will be there, so I want you to be sociable." my mom told me. "So your saying I'm not sociable." I joked
"Come on E- er... Mack, please come I just want the best for you." my mom pleaded. "Fine ok let's go." I finally came to an agreement.

We finally got to the park waiting for my mom's friends to show up with there kids. I don't want to babysit any brats today, ugh. "Mom why did you have to wear that?" I asked my mom. "What? They're made for exercising." my mom told me. "OMG Kay!" someone called out. "OMG JENNY!" my mom called back then ran and hugged three people. "Ok so... Imma..go" I said slowly backing away and as soon as I turned away from everyone I heard a voice I've heard before. "Hey.....Mack right?" the voice said I turned back around and saw Spyder and his friends. "E- er... Mack we'll be back in an hour." my mom said. "Whatever." I mumbled and rolled my eyes. "Harris don't forget we have to try to get you to do something active today, I don't care what just something." Harris' mom said "okay mom." the short nerdy boy said. This is fun and all but why me? Why do I have to be here with them?

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