If Only

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Mack's POV~






That dungeon yesterday was sorta difficult, don't you think


Uh.. Yeah, that was a pretty difficult boss level.




Ok, you wouldn't text me just to ask a silly question like that, what's up?


I...don't know I'm just sorta bored and really, not that social.


Yeah... I wish I could meet you, maybe then we could hang out and never be bored.


Yeah that would be awesome


Yeah it really would 8D


That face omg really dude






Heh, I gtg, k? MMO at 7?


Yeah sure, bye



He is such a weirdo but if only I could meet him we get along so well. If only that was possible.

I walked downstairs to the kitchen. (Forever hungry team bruh) I saw my mom was waiting for me there.

"Sup mom, what's up?" I asked her while searching for food. "We have dinner plans so go get ready." she said "Again mom?" I winned. "Yes dear." she said and walked away.

Ugh... again, why, why do I have to do this again? Whatever I'm not wearing anything nice again, I refuse.

Maybe Spyder, Harris, Ryan, and Mark will be there. I don't really care just my mom gets so boring talking to friends.

Whatever maybe if I am back by six or something I can get a nap before I play my MMO with DragonWing.

If only I could meet him.


Sorry school has been taking up most of my time with solo and ensemble for band (varsity rules bruh) karate and trying out for the elite team, and history fair regionals and starting of science fair and dealing with 2 UIL groups

I'll be posting more though also don't forget to comment ideas for the book or ideas for books for me to make.

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