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Ryan's POV~

  We had gotten home later than expected. Mack seemed very exhausted, so I decided to let her have my room so she has a bed to sleep on.

Before going to bed though we decided to make some toaster waffles for dinner. So Mark and I went to the kitchen to make 8, so that way we each had two.

Once all waffles were made I brought Mack's out to the living room where she was, I looked over the couch to see her peacefully asleep.

I put her waffles in the fridge so she could have them in the morning if she wanted. I picked her up bridal style and carried her to my room and laid her on my bed.

I tucked her in and went to leave out of the room. "Ryan?" I heard her say softly, before closing the door completely.

"Sorry for waking you," I whispered "Can you sleep in here, tonight... after all that's happened to me it's difficult feeling safe," she explained as she sat up in the bed. "Oh....uh.....sure," I said nervously and closed the door behind me.

"I'll make me a palate on the floor," I decided and went to go get my extra blankets and pillows. I laid down and I heard Mack lay back down on the bed.

I couldn't sleep, not after what happened today

Mack's POV~

I couldn't go back to sleep, not after what happened today. My mind felt overflown with thoughts about who I am and what I'm capable of doing.

"R-Ryan could you come up here?" I asked shyly. I heard Ryan get up and he laid down on the bed. I decided to cuddle up next to him. Everything today was a lot, but being with Ryan felt right.

~Time Skip~

Ryan's POV~

I woke up to the sound of picture taking. I then saw Mark and Harris taking pictures. I then noticed that me and Mack were cuddling still. "Delete those guys!!" I whispered yelled since Mack was still asleep. "Never!!" Mark yelled and grabbed Harris' phone from him and ran out the room with both phones.

I groaned, already this is happening today. "Hey you should get up and get dressed," "Why I have nothing planned today" "Because you are gonna come with me to the robot, Mark is gonna bring Mack later," Harris explained.

"Why?" "Because we are gonna help Mack understand her powers," he said all happily. "Okay fine," I gave in.

~Time Skip~

Finally here at the robot, today getting here felt that it took longer than normal. Once we got to the lounge area, I saw Spyder on the sofa, watching the T.V, "Why is he here?" I whispered to Harris. "Well aren't him and Mack the people that are kinda a thing, plus he is our friend remember?" "Yea, well yesterday stuff happened, Mack and I, kinda had a moment..." I smirked at that last part "...but Spyder saw and got jealous, everything else is a blur..." I finished. 

 "Oh, I see...well change of plans today," He said and walked towards Spyder and started talking to him. I was so confused right now. Spyder then looked at me and sneered then looked back at Harris. What was Harris planning...

Mack's POV~ 

 I didn't feel like getting up today, I just wanted to cuddle with Ryan today, but nope, I have to go to the robot with Mark to help with robot repairs. He is lucky he's my best friend.

"We are finally here," "Thank. God." I said which made Mark laugh. Once we got the lounge area me and Mark both stopped in our tracks to see Ryan and Spyder about to fight with Harris between trying to stopped the fight from happening. Finally Spyder lunged towards Ryan with a punch "WHY DID YOU TAKE HER FROM ME" "IM SORRY" "I LOVE HER" "I'M SORRY YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO REALIZE THIS BUT SHE WAS NEVER YOURS..." the yelling and fighting had stopped as I got between the through "STOP" I yelled.

 "YOU BOTH ARE DRIVING ME AND THE OTHERS CRAZY WITH THE FIGHTING, BOTH OF YOU ARE WRONG..." I continued. I could feel all eyes on me. "you're both wrong..."I whispered before...

Spyder's POV~  

 "M-Mack?!" Me and Ryan yelled in sync as we all rushed to her. "D-Did she faint?" "Is she okay?" "What's wrong with her," Me and Ryan yelled the last one in sync once more. This can't be happening right now, she better be okay cause I can't live without her... "Harris do now what could've happened?" Mark asked with a serious tone. "I think she fainted due to stress over the fighting..." Harris said unsure of himself.

Mack's POV~ 

  "HAHAHA LOOK AT ME MOMMY!, I'M FLYING I'M FLYING"  "ERICA BE CAREFUL"  my mother had yelled at me... "I WILL MOMMY, MARK PUSH ME HIGHER!" I yelled...I was 6 and me and my friends were at the park. 

The memory faded as another faded in. 

"Erica come on sweety it'll be okay" "MOM STOP CALLING ME ERICA IT ONLY MAKES ME THINK OF THAT TRADER OF A FATHER!"  I had yelled. This was 3 days after my dad left me and my mom with my was almost my 7th birthday. "Well... what would you like me to call you dear..." "...Mack"

 This memory had also faded as yet another faded in.

"[DragonWing] Hi, can you help me with this dungeon..." "[DarkRaven] of course I can]" . This was the day I finally felt happy again...I was 10. 

Once more had to saw bye to another memory and say hello to yet another .

This memory was when I first met 14 and aswell as what happened with me and Ryan yesterday...

Once more thing had came flooding my mind, but this was no memory...I was grown...




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