Is This Really Happening To Me?

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Mack's POV~

I know I said I hate him but... Its only cause I thought I was falling for him and not for DragonWing, now I realise DragonWing is this reason I fell for Spyder.

Spyder's POV~

I can't believe I fell in love with this girl...twice.

  I looked down at Mack an she looked back at me. I stood up an walked to a place I like in the park, and just as I knew she would she followed.

  I sat down under the bridge an she sat down right next to me. The Moon was out and we just stared the leaned her head on my shoulder and I put my head on hers.

  "What do you think is gonna happen to us next?" She asked me. "Honestly I have no clue." I answered truthfully.

  "Well I know one thing,  you guys were gonna take me somewhere but it never happened." She said.

  "Oh, right well I'll take you now if you want?" I said. "What? What about our parents?" She asked worried. "Dont worry I'll tell my mom we go bored and went to hang with the guys." I said confidently.

  "Okay" She said as she stood up ready to go.

  We walked to the robot.

  We entered "Honey we're home!" I yelled jokingly. Harris came to the entrance of the robot laughing. "Really Spyder?" He said through a laugh "Oh I see YOUVE BROUGHT MACK!" Harris finished with a yell.

He heard stuff in the background. "Hey Mack,  dont you have brown eyes? Mark asked walking up to us "Yeah." She said. "Then why are the... Purple?" Mark asked. "WHAT?!" She said frantically. She pulled out her mirror to her camera and let out a small scream "WHATS WRONG WITH MY EYES!!"...

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