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Mack's POV~

Why does all of this have to happen to me? What the hell did I do to deserve this?

I get what everyone was saying, but this was all too much for me to handle at once.

"Thanks guys, but I'm gonna go... I need time to think about all that just happened." I told them as I stood up. I then looked at Ryan and gave a small smile to him. I knew he also knew the struggle of powers to.

I actually feel somehow more close to him than I did a while ago. He smiled back at me and I turned to leave.

But I wasn't gonna leave the school, no, I just went to a science room so I can research a little on a computer or something.

Ryan's POV~

"I'm gonna follow her see if she needs help," Spyder said as he started walking. I put my hand on his shoulder, stopping him. "Don't, I should be the one to go since this is something I can relate with her on," I said.

Spyder just nodded before I left the gym. I don't think she left the school...maybe science? She could've went to search things. I know she is really curious, and I know I can help her.

I reached the science room and just before I went inside...I felt nervous? Why am I nervous?

I decided to just go with it and still went into the room anyways. I knew it wasn't because of her.

I mean it couldn't be...right? "Hey Mack?" I said opening the door. "Spyder?" I heard mack's voice from the other side of the room.

"N-no it's Ryan," I said closing the door behind me. "Oh hey Ryan?" Mack said as bit confused. "I wanted to know if there was anything I could help," I said walking towards her.

She was on a computer. As I walked closer I looked over her shoulder to see what she was doing. "I'm just trying to figure something's all too much," She said pointing to the screen.

"Well I could help know?" I said sitting down next to her. The nervousness was intensifying, like...butterflies in my stomach?

"I know.....and I want you to help," Mack said kinda shyly. "This isn't something you have to hide from me, I understand how you feel," I said with a sweet voice, as I put my hand on hers.

I smiled at her sweetly as she looked up at me. That's when I realized what had just happened. I quickly pulled my hand off of hers, "I-I-I'm so s-sorry." I stuttered.

I looked down and I could feel my face heat up. Why is this happening? Do I like Mack? No that's impossible. She and Spyder have a thing, but then again everything with them is unstable. Maybe I have a chance.

"It's okay, Ryan." Mack said with a slight blush on her face. It was adorable.

"Adorable,". Mack started to giggle "What's funny?" I asked. "Did you just call me adorable?" She questioned me. "Wait I said that out loud?!" I slightly paniced.

She just giggled louder. God my hearts hurts she is so cute. Why is this all so sudden? My feelings for her?

"Mack...can I ask you something?" I asked looking her in the eyes. "What's up?" She said shifting in her seat.

"Do you mind me asking about you and Spyder," I said a little too quickly. "Oh, well...I don't know, it's too much heartbreak and crying. I'm thinking about telling him, I want him and I to just be friends," Mack said then looked down. "What's wrong," I asked. "It's just...I don't want to ruin things between the group," She said then looked me in the eyes.

"Hey...your apart of this group...nothing will change that," I told her, then I remembered what she had said.

She only want to be friends with Spyder.


Been a while since I've actually updated. How was this chapter guys!!

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