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Mark's POV~ (bet you didn't see that happening)

As I was behind everyone going upstairs watching my little brother dragging that girl upstairs I thought to myself "Wow, I think I remember her now... yeah I do she was so cool and she kinda still is." I can't believe I remember her now, I wonder if the other guys remember her now like I do and if she remembers us.

Ryan's POV~

We reached Spyder's room where I told everyone to sit on the bed and I told Mack to sit at the desk. "Ok so, Mack do you know what Mech-X4 is?" I asked "I think I've heard of it, why?" she asked me. "Well, we are Mech-X4." I said with a smile I think this is why I had a weird feeling bout her was because of the powers.

Spyder ran up to me "What are you doing, man?" He asked with fear in his eyes. "Well the Mech-X4 robot was built for technopaths so me and Mack can control it as long as she is powerful enough." I explained to everyone. "So maybe we can both control it and it would really help if one of us is hurt." I continued.

"Well Mack what do you say, come join the Mech-X crew with your childhood friends?" I asked her with hope in my eyes. She nodded "yes" and we all cheered happily. "Do you guys remember Mack? You know from like when we were kids?" Mark asked. Did we remember her, did she even really remember us?

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