Her Eyes

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Mack's POV~

  "Whats wrong with my eyes!?" I yelled panicking. This has never happened before to me.

  I couldnt be there, so I ran home and texted my mom to go home ASAP.

  Soon she arrived. "Whats wrong sweetheart?" She said in a comforting voice. I looked at her and when I did she was shocked. "Honey, I know whats happening... Youre becoming a woman." She said calmly. It was so weird to hear that from my mother.

  "I know it sounds weird but this happened to youre father to when he was born his eyes were blue, then once he started becoming a man his eyes went purple to." She explained to me.

  Late that night I started to play my MMO's,  when I got a text.




Uh, who is this?


Uh, Ryan I thought Harris gave you my number?


Well he didn't.


Well, duh but anyways what happened? You made us worry especially Spyder.


Really? Well it isnt something to be explained over text cause its kinda embarrassing for me.


Oh. I respect that.




No problem


Well im gonna go to sleep since we have school tomorrow see you there.


Alright Bye



Spyder's POV~

  I am so worried about Mack. What happened an why?




Well kinda she said she doesnt want to say over than phone cause its embarrassing. Even at that if its embarrassing she probably wont say it to us.


True, but thanks bro


No problem bro

  I am still worried but I know she can take care of herself, shes strong in more ways than one.

  I hope she knows that, but at least I can see he tomorrow at school hopefully she can at least tell me.

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