The Park

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Mack's POV~

Ok so I guess I have to become friends with these people or at least get to know them. "Harris what do you want to try?" Spyder asked the short nerd. "Um.... soccer?" Harris said non willingly. "Wait.... soccer? I love soccer!" I said. "Do you think you can help us with Harris." Spyder asked me then I nodded. "Oh um... here let me introduce everyone.... Im Spyder, that tall kid talking bout varsity all the time is Mark, the short little nerdy guy is Harris, and lastly this is Ryan." Spyder said. "Ok so... Spyder, Mark, Harris, and Ryan." I said pointing to each as I said there names. "Ok let's go help Harris with soccer." I said with a smile, I loved soccer as a kid.

As Ryan and Mark helped Harris with trying to keep the soccer ball out of the net, me and Spyder were just talking. Then all of a sudden we heard Harris yelling at Ryan and Mark. "I don't want y'all to be kicking the soccer ball, and I don't want Spyder to do it either!" Harris yelled. "I-I'll kick the ball." I stammered a bit. I walk other to were Ryan and Mark were originally kicking the ball as they went over to Spyder. "Great, now a girl is kicking the ball to me, I bet she can't even make it this far." Harris said tauntingly. I kicked the ball and it wasn't near Harris but still went into the net. "Haha your supposed to aim it at me." Harris said laughing. I was getting frustrated with Harris now. I kick the ball so hard and.... I sorta hit Harris in the face.

"I'm so sorry Harris." I said nevous and scared. "OMG what happened?!" Harris' mom asked "We were playing soccer and I kinda sorta maybe hit Harris in the face." I said. "Hahaha this is exactly what happened when they were kids." Spyder's mom Jen said. "OMG your right except it happened when they were playing volleyball. All of us just stood there in confusion. "Don't tell me you don't remember Mack, Spyder." Jen said. "Don't you remember any of these boys, Mack." my mom asked. "Um.... not really." I said. "Oh you all were best friends when you were younger." Jen said. "Spyder and Mack were more close than the rest of y'all but still y'all were friends." Jen continued. "Y'all should come over tonight for dinner." Jen suggested. "Perfect." my mom agreed and so did Harris' mom and Ryan and Mark's mom.

Great now I have to hang with them again but at least I now know who my friends were when I was younger.

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