Dinner with...her

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Ryan's POV~

Great I have to go over to Spyder's house and Mack is gonna be there. I don't know why I just have a weird feeling bout her. Well at least we are finally here, sadly we had to dress in nice clothes. As we walked in the door everyone was there except Mack and her mom and I guess Spyder and Harris were in Spyder's room so I guess I'll go upstairs.

I found Spyder on his MMO game that he likes and Harris reading. "Hey guys." I said "I need to tell y'all something important." I continued. Harris stopped reading and Spyder got of his MMO game. "What's up, Ryan?" Harris asked. "I need to warn you guy about... Mack." I said "What is possibly wrong with Mack?" Spyder asked me. "I don't know exactly, but I have the weird feeling bout her and its not good." I told them. Spyder and Harris broke out in laughter. "Oh wow Mack is probably so dangerous." Spyder joked. "I'm being serious guys there is something wrong." I told them. They looked at me and stopped laughing. I heard Spyder's mom call us downstairs.

Spyder's POV~

As my mom called us boys downstairs I looked at Harris and Ryan and told them to fix there ties cause our parents told us to dress nice, bet Mack didn't have to dress nice. I walked downstairs behind Harris and Ryan while Mark had stayed downstairs in the first place, I saw someone. That someone was mack wearing... A DRESS!? Only one word came through my mind and that was "woah" I never knew she would wear something like that (dress is the picture for this chapter) it was so weird yet she looked kinda... cute. Wait did I just say she looked cute what's happening.

I couldn't stop staring at her, no matter how hard I tried to stop. Then my mom told everyone to sit down for dinner. I sat down and Mack sat by me and Ryan was on the other side of me. Ryan told me he had an uneasy feeling about her, but she was there and it was my house so I had to be a good "hostess" and be sociable towards everyone. Mack was also my childhood best friend. I wonder if we'll be best friends again. We listened to our parents ramble on bout us as we were younger and kinda got boring.

Mack's POV~

I was sitting by Harris and Spyder for dinner and it was awkward since they were my childhood friends and my our parents were talking bout us when we were younger.

"Mack was a weird child and still is as a teen." my mom said. "Has Mack's problem gone away cause I thought something was wrong with her when that happened?" Jen said trying to make it were I couldn't hear her but I did. I can hear dog whistles so that was nothing. I looked up at my mom "What's wrong with me?" I asked. everyone looked at me I didn't care though. "Jenny I had that memory erased from her just like you did to the boys!" my mom said worried. "Oh yeah sorry I forgot." Jen said.

"Mom what's wrong with me." I said louder. My mom sighed in defeat. "Er- er... Mack remember when you almost went to jail from prank calling the police the second time." my mom started Ryan and Mark snickered at the thought of me in jail. I gave them each a death glare and they stopped. "Yeah why?" I asked my mom.

"It turns out you have... inhuman abilities." my mom finished. I gave her a confused look "Like what?" I asked. "Well there is technopathic powers, telepathy, and on more your dad had cause that where your powers come from is him." my mom explained. "Teen meeting!" Ryan called out and dragged me upstairs along with Spyder, Harris, and Mark. What the hell is happening.

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