I'm Sorry

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Spyder's POV~

  Mack is probably so mad at me. What have I done? It looks like I hurt her really bad, and I feel terrible. I'm such a terrible person...

  Just then as I was sitting infront of my locker, I saw a girl there, she looked...new? Great, another new girl. "Excuse me, um...d-do you know where 2-211 is?" She asked me sweetly. I stood up and and started talking to her and told her where her class was. I also asked for some advice since she was a girl and I messed up with Mack.

  I saw from the corner of my eye another girl...Mack and she looked more upset than earlier, and I realized I'm a little to close to this girl I was talking to. Oh no, does she think I'm hitting on this girl?? This helps nothing I was gonna fix but maybe this girl's idea will help me out. She did say give me one idea I like and I can put stuff Mack likes in it.

I really hope this will work. I miss hanging out with her and when I see her she is always sad and/or crying, I can't stand to see her like that it kills me a little everytime.

~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~

I was standing outside of Mack's window from her house ready to make it up to her.

Then before I could even start the apology I got a call from Ryan to get to the monster ASAP and I guess Mack got the same Call because I heard her stat to open her window since her mom was home. Before she could even see me I ran and hid, then after 5 minutes I went to the robot.

Once I got to the robot everyone was calm, "So I guess there isn't a monster" I said pretty annoyed. "No, but we are tired of the fight between you and Mack" Harris told me. I looked around and I didn't see Mack, I guess she went a different way from the way I went. 

We all started to just hang out and watch tv. We have been here for about an hour and Mack still  wasn't here maybe she went somewhere and did not get a call....

(Tv switches channel by itself)


  Hello Ryan, Harris, Spyder, and Mark. 




 Yes it is I, but I am not alone tonight. (she turns the camera to face Mack who is tied up and passed out) I am pretty sure you know this girl, am I right?




Oh! So you do know her, and Mack you say is her name? Well meet me at the gym in the high school if you want her back.

(She has already been fired)


  ...fine..we will be there

(Me, Ryan, & Harris)



(to the guys) We can't just leave Mack with Grey.


You should listen to Jock-Strap over there. Meet me here in 10 minutes. 


Okay...we'll be there in 10



Hey guys sorry it's been so long since I have posted I have been working on my acting and modeling career a lot and had to deal a lot with school and 3 UILs I promise to try to post a lot more but there won't be such a short time to write so ignore the scheduele I've posted because I will be keeping the books I have but I also want to make each chapter longer and add new books. So if you are a fan of Stranger Things and/or IT be looking soon for some of those books from me. Comment what kind of book you would like to see with that. I will be making another book like this with it but I also want to make X-Readers but when I do I don't get much views as I do with books like this. So I want to know if that would be something you guys will read


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