Why Gym Class Why

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Spyder's POV~

"Don't make me go!" I wined as Ryan dragged me to gym. "You have to go Spyder, I know its awkward to see our friend in the girls gym clothes but you HAVE to go." Ryan said sternly.

The girls gym clothes was the same shirt the boys had and shorts. I know I've seen other girls, but its weird cause Mack I've know since we were kids.

We finally got to gym, sadly, and I had to get changed for the class. I hope we aren't doing anything cause I don't want to change out today. I walked in the class and the gym teacher told us we were having a free day. I was happy that we were not doing anything.

Mack's POV~

Gym today was a free day I'm so happy. I'm going to probably text DragonWing again this period. Actually I talked to him last period and I don't want to get him in trouble. Maybe I'll talk to Ryan and Spyder, who is right across the gym.

"H-Hey guys." I said with a smile. "Hey Mack-n-cheese." Ryan said with a laugh. I gave him a death glare "O-k, not funny." He said a little scared. "Hey Mack, what's your class before this cause I didn't see you in the halls." Spyder asked me. "Oh, um..." I mumbled the next word "art."

I finished. "What?" the boys said in unison. "It's art." I said a bit louder. "You say that like it's a bad thing to be in art." Ryan said. "Well when the students are used as a "human canvas" it gets weird." I said. "Who was the human canvas today?" Spyder asked. "Harris?" I questioned a bit.

"He looked so awkward to be up there, but he shouldn't have volunteered in the first place." I said trying not to laugh. "Sounds... interesting?" Ryan said a little confused. I sat down next to Spyder on the bleachers with Ryan on the row right behind us.

"So what's y'alls next class?" I asked while looking at my phone. "Tech." Ryan said "... That reminds me I have to go finish my project for the class, I'll go see if I can get a pass, bye guys." He finished as he left. "Bye Ryan!" I called out.

I looked at Spyder who was on his phone. Hmm... I really want to say hi to D.W, I guess I will.


Hey DW just wanted to say hi since I'm bored.


Nice to know I'm the one you come to when ur bored.


N-No that's not what I meant


Ik  XD  but I got to go ttyl D.R


Ok bye.

I saw Spyder finally put up his phone as did I. We started to talk and we were telling each other jokes. I wondered... has Spyder always had a cute laugh? WAIT WHAT AM I THINKING, d-did I just say Spyder was cute.

Why does this always happen to me. This time in my favorite class!?
Why gym why!?


Sorry I was thinking a lot on this chapter I'll be updating more often. It just was a chapter that didn't flow like the rest. I hope you are enjoying thus book.

Comment or Message me some chapter ideas or book ideas in general. Thank you guys for reading my books... it means a lot

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