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The music bounced off the walls of the building as people swayed their hips to the sounds. Lillian sat at the bar, running her finger in a circle around the brim of the glass she had been drinking out of. She watched as her sisters boyfriend danced amongst everyone else. The brunette started to wonder why she was here, why she agreed to come. She knew she had to move on from her ex, she knew it was good that she socialising again. If you could even call this socialising that is. Daniel was supposed to 'set her up' with someone but he had been distracted the whole night.

Lillian grabbed her phone out of her clutch. She knew she shouldn't, but she started to scroll through Julian's instagram. Old photos of them that he hadn't yet deleted made her heart flutter. She felt happy that he kept them up, she on the other hand took hers down almost immediately after they broke up. At the beginning of their break up, Lillian thought removing all traces of their relationship would help her hurting, but it seemed to hurt more. She continued scrolling until a she felt someone glaring over her shoulder. She slammed her phone face first down into the counter and turned her head.

"Can I help you?" She asked the dark haired man who had turned his head away as soon as she caught him snooping. He looked back with a confused look and smile on his face. "What?" He asked innocently. "You were looking down at my phone" she spoke in a pissed off tone. The man made a pfft sound, "no I wasn't" he shifted himself awkwardly. Lillian gave him a stern look. The man threw his hands up in defense, "Okay, I was. Only because you looked like you were looking at something amazing because of that smile you've been wearing on your face for the past two minutes. I just wanted to know what it was, that's all" he said. Lillian mumbled something inaudible under her breathe just as Daniel walked over from the dance floor.

"Oh you two have already met- that makes my job so much easier" he said, slightly out of breath. "What? This is the guy you were going to set me up with?" Lillian asked, pointing the man with dark hair who had just invaded her privacy. "Lilli, meet Sebastian Stan. Seb, meet Lillian Foster" Daniel introduced the two. "The pleasure is all mine, Lillian" Sebastian said with a smug expression on his face. Lillian looked him up and down then looked at her friend, "No" she answered shortly. "Ouch, that hurt, like physically hurt" Sebastian said sarcastically, holding his hand over his heart. "Oh shut up" she snapped at the dark haired man. "I'll let you to have fun" Daniel laughed before disappearing back into the crowd.

Sebastian eyed the girl up and down, "do you want to dance?" He asked. "I'm not drunk enough for that, plus you're not my type" she blatantly said. "How about we get drunk then?" He suggested. "I can't argue with that" Lillian smiled as Sebastian called the bartender over and order a round of shots.

As the night went on, the two loosened up more and went and danced amongst the people. Daniel joining them half way through. The three laughed about their problems as the alcohol littered their veins. Lillian forgot about what's-his-face as she felt Sebastian's arms snake around her waist. Another's touch is what she needed, maybe not sexually but just being close to someone like this helped her clear her mind.


i actually really liked this chapter
i hope you did too!
what do you think of daniel
setting up lillian with seb?

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