forty nine.

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Lillian stepped out of the car, paparazzi already at the restaurant. How did they know she was going to be there? Maybe they saw Chris walk in and thought someone else was coming? They wouldn't be wrong. The brunette ignored them, the sunglasses that she wears almost everywhere, even at night, were placed on her face. She ignored the questions that they cameramen kept yelling at her and walked through the doors of the restaurant.

The brunettes eyes scanned the room, looking to see if Chris was there already- and he was. He stood up from his chair when he saw her, a huge smile on his lips. Lillian smiled back, walking towards the man. They engulfed in a hug before they sat back down. "You look really beautiful" Chris said, his voice laced with nerves. "You don't look to had yourself" Lillian commented back. Lillian glanced around the room, looking at all the other people in their fancy outfits. "We're a little underdressed, don't you think?" She asked. "I think it makes us stand out" Chris laughed. A waitress arrived next to the two, handing them menus and asking if they'd like any wine. Lillian took the offer and the waitress left to get the drink.

The night was going well. The two swapping stories of old friends and childhood. "When she was still alive, she would take Freema and I out every weekend. It was girl time while dad stayed at home watching a football game or had his friends from work over" Lillian told Chris, "but once she passed... dad didn't want our weekends to go to waste. So, he'd take us on road trips every second weekend. It was one of those weekends we came down here to LA to visit an old friend of his. Dads friend was a manager in the industry, he told Freema and I about all the people he worked with and how he loved working with them. It was that moment I knew I wanted to work in this industry" She said before taking a bite of her food. Chris listened intently, a small smile on his lips. "You really miss her, don't you?" He asked, referring to Lillian's late mother. The girl nodded and softly smiled, "She was my everything" her voice becoming weak and tears began to form in her eyes. "But enough sad talk. I'll let you know that I watched the first Captain America movie" she told the man. "Oh really? That's it?" He asked. "It was late last night. I thought I'd better watch one before I saw you" Lillian said with a laugh, causing Chris to laugh as well.

The rest of the evening went extremely well, the two leaving the restaurant around ten. As the two exited the building, they were greeted with bright flashing lights. Lillian placed her glasses back over her eyes, blocking them from the bright lights. "My cars this way" Chris spoke into Lillian's ear, grabbing her by the hand a pulling her through the crowd of paparazzi. Their questions were all the same: are you two dating? how long have you been seeing each other? Clever on their part.

"At least we know what tomorrow's Hollywood headline will be" Lillian joked once they got into Chris' car. Chris chuckled as he pulled the car out from the park, then proceeding to drive down the streets of Los Angeles. The car ride to Lillian's house was only a short ten minuets, the two talked the whole way there, as if they still had so much more to talk about even though they pretty much covered everything at dinner.

Chris pulled the car out the front of Lillian's apartment. He got out of the car first, rushing to her Lillian's side quickly to open the door for her. "You seriously don't have to walk me to my door, Chris" she told him as she stepped out of the car. "It's the romantic thing to do" he laughed, slipping his hand into hers and lacing their fingers. The two walked towards the elevator, steeping in a waiting for the doors to open on Lillian floor. The two looked like awkward teenagers as they stood in silence in the elevator and their hands linked. A ding sound came from the elevator as the doors opened. Lillian and Chris walked towards Lillian's apartment door. They let go of each other's hands, letting Lillian unlock her door. She turned to Chris before entering. "You sure you don't want to come in?" She asked him. "I've got to be up early. So next time, I'll definitely come in" he said giving the girl a wink. She hit him playfully in response. The twos laughs died down. "Thank you for a great night, Chris" Lillian smiled. Chris thanked her back, speaking softly. There was a short pause before Chris placed his hand on Lillian's waist and leaning in.

The kiss was pure and sweet. Only lasting a short four seconds. It was full of love and passion, something Lillian had been missing. She had never felt this when kissing Julien, or anyone for that matter. It was as if, in those short seconds, it was only the two of them. As if no one else existed in the entire world.

Chris pulled away, looking into Lillian's eyes. "I'll see you later, Foster" he whispered. "Right back at you, Evans " she smiled and watched Chris walk back into the elevator and disappear behind the metal doors.


new cover!

edit: i miss my babies so much wtf

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