thirty three.

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The brunette frantically ran around her apartment. She wanted everything to be perfect, she had never entertained this many people before. "Everything is perfect, Lilli. Calm down" Freema spoke from next to her sister. "I feel as if there's not enough food- i mean what if Chris or Sebastian decided to bring someone and I hadn't made enough food?" Lillian stressed, reaching into her cupboard to reach out another frying pan. Freema grabbed her sister arm to stop her, "Okay, how about we go sit down. Maybe have a drink or something?" She offered and Lillian took it, pouring wine into her glass.

Twenty minutes passed and Lillian was finally calm again. Maybe it was the wine or maybe it was the fact the Julian had arrived only moments before hand and he was trying to keep her calm. Whatever it was, it was working. However, another knock at the door made her heart almost beat out of her chest. "Hey, it's okay, I'll get it" Julian smiled at the girl who simply nodded back. "What's up, party people" Sebastians voice rang out, obviously indicating that him and Chris were there. The two walked over to the living space where Lillian, Freema and Daniel were sitting.

Lillian's apartment wasn't big, in fact is quite small. With two bedrooms and two bathrooms, a kitchen that sat directly next to the living area which included the dining table. It wasn't the best place to have social gatherings. Buy she made it work. And if things got to crowed inside, she'd send a couple out onto the balcony to talk while others stayed inside. It was simple and she loved it.

Lillian got up from lounge, engulfing her friends in two separate hugs. "Thank you for coming, it means a lot" she smiled as she pulled away from Sebastian. "And she's glad that you two didn't bring guests. Because if you did, we would have witnessed one Lillian's famous break downs" Freema commented, causing her sister to glare at her. "Where's Lola and Lizzie? Are they still coming?" Chris asked. "They're running late, traffic" Julian informed the man. "I was asking Lillian" Chris replied, slightly annoyed at something. "Should've made that a bit more clear then" Julian faked a smile. Everyone looked at the two men who had seem to be making very strange eye contact. It felt like an eternity before someone spoke. "Why don't I get you guys a drink" Lillian said with a clap of her hands. "It's okay, I can get them" Julian told the girl and headed to the kitchen which was only a few steps away. Chris seemed to glare at him the whole time.

Lillian coughed and indicated with her head that she wanted to talk to Chris alone. She led the man into the spare room at the back of the apartment, closing the door behind her so that no one can hear. "What's up with you?" She asked her friend. Chris raised an eyebrow in fake confusion, "what do you mean?" He asked. "You know what i mean, Chris" Lillian rolled her eyes, "you promised you'd try and get to know him before you made your judgment on Julian. And there you are looking at him with daggers in your eyes, why?" She asked sincerely. Chris didn't want to keep lying to her, but she wasn't ready for the truth. Was she ever going to be ready? "I'll try and be nicer" he avoided her question. "Thank you" she spoke softly, "now, let's get back out there before they start assuming we're hooking up or something". Both exited the room, revealing that Lola and Lizzie had arrived. Lillian engulfed her friend in a hug and introduced herself to Elizabeth. A part of her was freaking out, but the stronger part of her was telling her to act cool.

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