twenty seven.

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Lillian walked through the front of the club, Julian walking behind her. She felt bad taking her ex with her when Chris had wanted her to go with him. She texted him two days ago to see if he was still taking her but he read and didn't reply. She debated whether or not to apologise to him over text, as she felt as if it would be insensitive. "I'm going to go get some drinks, wait here" Julian said before walking towards to the bar. Lillian looked around for anyone she knew, she spotted Lola talking to Freema and Daniel at a table.

"Hey" she greeted them once she reached the table. "Oh hey" Lola said, embracing her best friend into a hug. "Where's Julian?" She asked as they pulled away. "At the bar. How'd you know I came with Julian?" She asked. "We just assumed that you'd bring him since Chris arrived here with someone else, so we just assumed" Freema imputed. Lillian nodded at the information. "Who'd he bring?" She asked. "Daisy Adams, she's a model, worked with her on a shoot once- i have no idea how the two know each other" Daniel informed Lillian as he took a sip of his drink.

"Hey hey, what's up guys" Sebastian pretty much yelled at the four of them. "Go home you're drunk" Daniel said with a laugh, causing everyone else to laugh. "My party, i can get drunk if I want to" Sebastian answered. Lillian felt a hand on her back as she laughed, she turned to see Julian standing next to her. "Hey, long time no see" he addressed the group. "I don't think we've met yet, I'm Seb" Sebastian introduced himself with a sloppy handshake. "Ahh yeah I know who you are, love you as Bucky, I mean you play his character amazingly" Julian quickly said, starstruck by the man standing in front of him. "You want a autograph or something" Sebastian asked with a stern look. Julian started to stutter but Lillian calmed him down. "He's just teasing, Julian. He's a dick like that" she laughed, receiving a glare from her friend.

Sebastian pointed a Lola, and stared with squinted eyes. The girl looked scared at the action. "You, I was meant to do something...Right! Come with me, I'm introducing you to someone" he grabbed the small girl by the arm and dragged her away from the group. "If you don't see me for the rest of the night, call the cops" she yelled before disappearing into the crowd of dances. "Daniel, lets dance" Freema said pulling her boyfriend away from Julian and Lillian. The two looked at each other both with smiles on their faces. "Here's your drink" Julian finally said, pushing the glass over to the brunette who took a large sip straight away. "I'm really glad you invited me, Lilli. I'm glad we're talking again" he said with a large smile. "I'm glad we're talking again too" she assured him and placed a small kiss on his cheek.

Someone coughed next to the two, causing both to turn around. Chris stood there, his arm wrapped around a blondes tiny waist. "You must be Julian, the ex?" Chris looked at Lillian. "Ahh, yeah that's me I guess" Julian awkwardly laughed, "and I know who you are. Big fan" Julian extended his hand but Chris didn't take it, causing the boy to pull his hand back. "And who's your friend here, Chris?" Lillian asked with a smile, wanting to fill the air with conversation instead of awkward silence. "Oh, I'm Daisy, nice to meet you" she smiled, and Lillian smiled back with a nice to meet you too. "Lillian, can I came over here to talk to you" Chris told the brunette girl. "Okay, go for it" Lillian said gesturing with her hands for him to speak. "Alone" he simply said, looking at Julian. Lillian nodded, told Julian that she'll be back and she left with Chris, leaving Daisy alone with Lillian's ex.

Once Chris took Lillian outside and was happy with how far away they were from everyone, he began to talk. "I'm sorry" he spoke softly, different to the tough tone he was using inside. Lillian shook her head, "if anything, i should be sorry. I overreacted" she said. "You overreacted? I did. I don't know why, I mean it's your life I shouldn't have told you that I don't think he's good enough for you. And I know how sensitive that whole situation is for you- so I'm sorry" he apologised once more. "God stop saying sorry" Lillian laughed and wrapped her arms around Chris' tall frame in a hug. "Friends?" She asked as they still hugged. "I thought I didn't know you enough to be friends" he responded. Lillian pulled away and hit Chris playfully. "Ouch. I was joking, yes we're friends" he assured the brunette. The two stood in a comfortable silence for a moment. "So, Daisy. She seems nice" Lillian said, looking up at the man. "Yeah she is, but her and I are just friends" Chris informed her. "Whatever you say, Evans" Lillian laughed. "Shut up, Foster" He nudged his friend. They both stared off the balcony of the club.

Chris stared down at the girl, just like the first time they met. She was beautiful. Somehow she was even more beautiful tonight than ever. Every time he sees her he's memorised by her beauty, as if it intensifies by ten every time she smiles or laughs, she could be doing nothing and she would be the most beautiful thing the Chris. But he couldn't tell her that. Not yet. Not when she was still caught up on Julian. She needed time, and he was willing to give her that time.


i rushed the ending again sorry :(

edit: daisy carter was going to be the original name for lillian
so there's a fun fact

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