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"Are you sure Seb said it was okay for me to come?" Lola asked as the two girls drove the car to Sebastian's apartment. Lillian hesitated for moment, "totally, he's siked to meet you" she smiled. Lola knew her friend was lying, she rolled her eyes in response. "Okay, he doesn't know" Lillian admitted, "but I'm sure he'll be fine with it- and even if he isn't, i don't care" she said.

Twenty five minuets went by and they finally arrived at the apartment building. Lillian pulled the car around the back as instructed by Sebastian and parked in the free space. "He better be supplying alcohol, this week at work has been so stressful" Lola said as the two girls stepped out of the car and headed for the door of the building. "I'm just glad we're only have one more week of filming" Lillian spoke. They reached the door, Lillian punched the door number for Sebastian's apartment me into the intercom. "Hello?" Sebastian's voice rang from the metal box. "Yo, let us in" Lillian said and a buzz sound echoed, indicating the door could now be open and her and Lola could head up to Sebastian's apartment.

They reached the top floor and stepped out of the elevator. The girls walked down the hall to the door with the number 54 on the door. Lillian knocked and moments later the door opened, revealing Sebastian. "Hello Lillian" he greeted the dark haired girl. "Sebastian, this is-" Lillian went to introduce her best friend but the dark haired man cut her off. "Lola, I thought you'd bring her" Sebastian said, looking at Lola with a smile. "Come in, Christopher is sitting on the couch" He winked towards Lillian who rolled her eyes in response.

The two girls followed Sebastian into the apartment. It wasn't as large as Lillian had imagined it, it was small but well spread out, giving it the illusion of being large. Lillian's eyes landed on the figure sitting on the couch. A small smile landed on her lips. "Hey there Evans" she greeted Chris. He stood up quickly, wiping his hands on his jeans. "Lillian, you look nice" he said, a lace of nerves in his voice. "Right back at you" she laughed. "Okay you two, stop acting gross and take a drink" Sebastian said placing the tray of drinks onto the coffee table that was placed in front of the couch. "I'm not drinking" Lillian told Sebastian as the other three people around her took a glass. "That's a shocker" The younger of the two men said. "Shut up Sebastian, it's only because I'm driving" Lillian snapped back.

The night seemed to go fast and Lillian enjoyed being the only sober one there. However, it was really only Sebastian and Lola getting to brink of black out drunk. Chris on the other hand had only drunk two beers, now onto his third. Lillian stood in the corner of the room, admiring her best friend trying to beat Sebastian at an arm wrestle. Maybe it was because Sebastian was a drunk mess but Lola was winning. "Still can't get over that this is there first match, its been going for almost ten minuets" Chris pointed out with a laugh as he leant against the wall next to Lillian. "If it gets to fifteen minutes we'll have to stop them" she said with a laugh. Chris smiled down at the brunette. She was even more amazing than he had depicted in his mind. She was more than the pretty face he'd seen on his twitter and instagram. She was smart, super funny and down to earth. She was the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen, inside and out.

A loud groan snapped Chris out of his trance. Sebastian had lost to Lola and was now hitting the small girl with the pillow closest to him. "Okay, I think we should go" Lillian laughed, picking up Lola from the ground. "Thanks for having us, Sebastian. We should do it again sometime" Lillian said to Sebastian who had anger written all over his face. He didn't answer only huffed at Lola who was sticking her tongue out at him. Lillian looked over at Chris. "It was nice meeting you Chris" she smiled as waved goodbye to the boys with the arm that wasn't currently holding up her best friend. She the left the apartment with a huge smile on her lips, she didn't think she could be this happy while sober since Julian. But it was happening, she was happy.


kinda rushed the ending there sorry :(
anyway, thoughts?
also just letting you know that
lola identifies as a lesbian so she's hella gay. Just saying that
because I don't want it to
seem like her and seb might get together.

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