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Lillian applied her makeup, Chris frantically running around her. He was having a panic attack over having Sebastian babysit their daughter, Eleanor. Lillian tried reassuring her boyfriend that everything would be fine, that Lola and Elizabeth will be there as well. But still, Chris continued to panic. She had started to tune him out, only focusing on getting ready for their long deserved date.

It hadn't been easy to get alone time after Lillian gave birth. In fact, they'd only had one proper date since that day- that's if you count curled up in front of the tv watching movies while eating pizza as a proper date. They always tired planning a dinner date, but it was hard to get two steps out of their home before one of them (usually Chris) would panic about not having Eleanor with them.

A loud bang caught Lillians attention, and she quickly rushed to the kitchen where the sound had come from. Once she entered the room she saw Chris rummaging through the cupboards, specifically the cabinet with all the baby's dishes laid. The floor was covered with empty baby bottles and children sized plastic plates. She sighed and walked up behind Chris, placing her hand on his lower back. She peered her head around his large frame. Chris sighed. It was obvious he wasn't just worried that Sebastian would be babysitting, something else was making him anxious, the part of what, wasn't obvious.

"Chris," Lillian started as she placed her hands on her boyfriends face, "You need to stop worrying. Everything will be fine" She assured him. Chris had his hands rested on her hips, he looked down at her and sighed once more. "I just- you know I hate being away from her" he said. It was Lillian's turn to sigh again, and she did so while running hands through Chris' hair. "Do you trust me?" She asked, her eyes fixated on his. Chris nodded, "of course I do". Lillian smiled, "Well, then trust me when I say that everything will be fine. Lola and Elizabeth always take such good care of Eleanor, and they wouldn't let Sebastian do anything to harm her" She said. Chris smiled down at the girl and nodded.

Lillian backed off from where she stood in front of Chris, clapping her hands once. "Right, I need to finish getting ready and you need to clean all this up before everyone gets here. Which will be in-" She glanced over at the clock on the wall, "twenty minuets, so hurry up because you still need to get dressed" She spoke before walking out of the kitchen and back to the bathroom to finish getting ready.

It wasn't long before there was a knock at the door, indicating that either Sebastian was here or, Elizabeth and Lola. Both Chris and Lillian were praying that it was the couple so cleverly named Olison arrived first. However, they were let down when Chris answered the door to Sebastian barging into their house. "Great!" Sebastian yelled, "i'm the first one here" he said with joy. Lillian noticed that Chris had started to panic again, so she walked over to him, linking her hand with his. "We're glad your here" she lied, "We're running late as it is" that wasn't a lie. They were already running twenty minuets late- thanks to Chris' meltdown. "You should leave then" Sebastian said. "Actually, I think we should stay until-" Chris started but Lillian interrupted. "Yes we should. Come on Chris, Sebastian will be fine until Lola and Elizabeth get here" She smiled and pretty much pushed Chris out the door, but not before saying goodbye to Sebastian and Eleanor, placing a small kiss on her daughter forehead.

As Chris and Lillian walked to their car, Lola and Elizabeth showed up, calming Chris' nerves slightly. Lillian waved at the girls, saying goodbye before driving off to the restaurant. Lillian actually had no idea which restaurant Chris was taking her, but she knew it would be a long trip due to the location of their home. Last year, it would've only took twenty minutes to get to nearest high end dinning place, but since the two moved into a brand new house together, nearly every trip anyway takes an hour as the least.

The hour passed, and with five minuets still left in their trip, Lillian realised where they were going and she suddenly became all smiley. Chris noticed, smiling himself but kept his eyes on the road. Those few minuets went by quick, and they pulled up the car out the front of the restaurant that they had their first date. The two stepped out of the car, greeted by the flashing lights that filled almost every moment of their life. Chris grabbed Lillian's hand and walked into the building.

Lillian took in her familiar surroundings, smiling as her and Chris were escorted to their table, the exact same table they had last time. And in that moment, as they both looked down at their menus, Lillian's mind took her back to that night. The night her and Chris first kissed, the night she played over in her head a thousand time before seeing Chris a couple of days later. She laughed at the memory, catching Chris' attention, and he asked why she was giggling. "It's just, two years ago we didn't even know each other and now we have a child, it's just crazy. I wonder what it would be like to watch from the outside, like everyone does" She said.

The dinner was amazing. Filled with laughter and conversations about nothing, and with no distractions from a baby, it was a perfect night. The two were still waiting for their dessert as they got into a conversation about maybe buying a new dog. It was good idea for their family, but Chris hadn't felt like the family was quite yet complete, and another dog wasn't going to fix that, but something else was. As Lillian went on about how she wanted a greyhound, Chris did the thing he had been planning for months.

"Lillian," he interrupted her talking, "i love you, so much. And yes, we've had some rough patches in our relationship, but what healthy couple doesn't? You are the light of my life, the love of my life. Because before you, I actually thought I wouldn't love someone enough to start a family with them. And some would ague that were a family now, having a child and everything, but it doesn't feel complete, so" Lillian listened intently, butterflies floating about in her stomach. Suddenly, Chris got down on one knee and pulled out a red velvet box. "Lillian Carlson Foster, will you marry me?" He asked.



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