forty four.

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Butterflies were floating around her stomach. She tried calming herself down by taking deep breaths, but it wasn't working. She needed alcohol, it always helped her nerves. But she promised her sister, and she never broke her promises. The brunette looked down at her phone, a text from Lola appeared, telling her to meet her at the bar. Lillian walked through the crowd of people towards her best friend, she spotted her standing next to Elizabeth. They looked so happy together, she was happy they were happy.

Lola screamed when she saw her friend who she hadn't seen since the beginning of the month. She engulfed Lillian into a hug. "I've missed you so much!" She yelled, obviously slightly intoxicated. Lillian laughed as she pulled away. She turned to Elizabeth and gave her a short hug and hello. "How much have you had to drink?" Lillian asked her friend, talking loudly so she could over the thumping music. Lola began to count her fingers, "about six" she told the brunette who had a shocked look on her face. "Already?" She turned to her friends girlfriend, "did you try and stop her?" She asked with concern. The blonde nodded, "she yelled at me and threatened to get me kicked out. I know she couldn't actually do that, but it's funny seeing her this way" Elizabeth confessed. Lillian couldn't help but agree with the girl. As drunk Lola is so much more feisty then sober Lola.

As the night went on, the less Lillian was nervous. She danced with Lola and Elizabeth, laughing at the drunken mess that was once her friend try and twerk. She was glad she could have fun without drinking, she was glad she had people around her that could make her feel like that again. Suddenly, she felt a pair of arms grab her waist. She quietly screamed in shock, turning to see who it was. Sebastian stood behind with a huge grin. "How's it going?" He asked. Lillian hit the mans arm, scolding him for sneaking up on her. Sebastian brushed it off. "If you're looking for Chris, he's outside" he pointed to the balcony of the building. Lillian didn't say anything, she nodded and slowly pushed herself through the sea of people dancing around her until she finally reached outside.

It was freezing, and she beginning to regret not being a coat of some sort. Her dress was thin and wasn't covering a lot of her skin. Exporting her arms, back and legs a fare bit. She shivered and tried to stay warm by wrapping her arms around her body. As she walked across the deck she saw Chris standing by himself, beer in hand looking over the railing. She took a deep breath and walked over to the man who hadn't spoken to her since thanksgiving.

"Hey" she spoke softly as she stood next to him, leaning against the railing. Chris looked down at the girl, "Hi" he sighed. Lillian's eyes traveled to the drink in Chris' hand, she started to wonder how many he had to drink. And as if he read her mind he told her, "I promise this is my first drink. I'm not out here getting drunk by myself" he assured her. Lillian smiled. "In there's to crazy for me, I needed to clear my head" he said, looking back over the balcony at the city view. There was a moment of silence between the two, words just floating in the air, neither of them game enough to speak.

"I'm sorry" Chris finally spoke, he then coughed. "I'm sorry for ruining your friendsgiving. I'm sorry for not returning any of you're texts or calls. I'm sorry I went MIA for over a month. I was only thinking about myself. Thinking that if I tried to respond that you'd change your mind and stop talking to me. God but I missed you so much. I even listened to your voicemails everyday just so I could hear your voice- and now that I say that out loud it sounds stupid" he confessed, not taking his eyes off the girl. She smiled back at him. "You don't have to apologise, Chris. I understand that you needed time. I understand that you'd think all those things. But you didn't ruin my friendsgiving, if anything, you made it more exciting- for everyone" she said softly. Chris smiled. "And when I saw your instagram post with Julian, i thought you had gone back to him" he continued with a sigh. Lillian shook her head, "I don't want him anymore, Chris" she never took her eyes off his.

The sound of people counting down starting ringing throughout the building- it was almost New Years. Lillian and Chris laughed and starting counting down as well. Once they reached zero everyone yelled happy new year, including the two. Couples and strangers kissed, carting on the tradition to kiss someone on New Years. And as much as Lillian and Chris wanted to kiss right there, they decided against it. Hugging instead. "Happy New Year, Lilli" Chris whispered into the brunettes ear. "Happy New Year, Chris" she whispered back


this was kinda shitty sorry :/
but chrilli are reunited at last!
and i was totally going to make them kiss in this chapter but decided against it
it just doesn't feel like the right time yet...
anyway, i've uploaded a new tony stark ff
if you'd like to check that out it's called adore and i am super excited for it!
also, i dedicate this chapter to allenvibes because she's super cool and is willing to handle my awkwardness!

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