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Chris and Lillian: Ready to Tie the Not?

it has been a year and a half since the Chris Evans and Lillian Foster had announced they were together. Now, with a baby girl to call their own, what's next for the happy couple? We are hoping a marriage! It may be somewhat of a normal thing these days for parents not to be married, because it's just a piece of paper right? However, fans have been speculating that the two have already gotten married in severely. But these are just rumours because don't see a ring on her finger quiet yet.

The two still enjoy going out on dates occasionally, less than usual recently but that's to be expected with their baby Eleanor. However, last night the two were caught out on a walk together, no baby in sight.

A instagram photo that Evans posted confirmed that the couples friend Sebastian Stan was looking after Eleanor this weekend approaching. So it seems they got a little alone time before that and went a night stroll.

All in all, we still love the two as a couple, and we wish a good future upon them. Maybe another child? Here's to hoping!


sory this chapter is shit
but hey, i made that manip!
i'm actually really proud of it!

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