eighty eight.

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"I'm sorry" Chris spoke softly as the two sat across for each other at the dining table. Lillian didn't speak, she wanted to hear Chris apologise to the fullest intent. He took a deep breath before continuing. "I love you, Lilli. And I can't believe I acted that way towards you. I should've listened to you, and not freaked out. And the stupid thing was, I started to believe I did the right thing by ending us, but when Lola wrote that paragraph, I realised how stupid I was, how wrong I was. And I just-" Chris spoke fast, trying to get everyone of his thoughts out as quick as possible, but Lillian interrupted. "It's okay, Chris" she reaches out, placing her hand on top of his, "I love you too" she smiled.

The two sat and ate the dinner that Chris had prepared. He really went full out, cooking Lillians favourite meal of honey baked chicken. He scattered roses across the house, a trail leading to the bedroom where he set up a massive pile of presents, with candles spelling i love you. He watched and smiled upon the beauty that sat in front of him. How could he have thrown her away? When she was the most perfect girl he had ever laid his eye upon.

After dinner, the couple curled up on the lounge, playing a movie they had forgotten the name of as they weren't really paying attention. They both believed that this break had made them closer, more connected. And the break made Lillian realise how much she wanted Chris in her life, how much she really did want this baby. Because it didn't matter, the only thing that mattered was Chris and Her and that moment. Them cuddled up the couch, Chris planting small kisses on the girls forehead, whispering sweet nothings to her. Anyone watching on would see how much the two were in love, how perfect they were for each other. Because they were, they really were.


i know this boring and short but i'm doing another update
so triple update today!

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