seventy seven.

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She had been trying to convince herself, convince herself that she wanted this baby. She'd been putting smiles on for her friends and family, even for Chris who she couldn't bare to tell that she wasn't ready for this child. He was so happy, so excited for the future that two would have as parents, she knew she couldn't break his heart. But all these articles speculating about her unborn child had started to push the truth to the surface.

Lillian sat on the lounge in Chris' apartment, she was curled up against the arm rest, a blanket sprawled across her lap as she scrolled through rumour blogs. She knew this was a bad idea, reading these posts about how she wasn't ready to be a mother, filling her head with even more doubt than before. Chris had been gone all day, he'd been running some errands. And with him gone, it made her much more anxious. But it wasn't long until he came home.

The sound of keys jingling singled that he was at the door. "Hey" he greeted as he entered the apartment, walking to Lillian and sitting next to her in the couch. He wrapped his arm around her, she turned her phone off to hid what she was reading and cuddled up to her boyfriend. "How was your day?" He asked, kissing her temple. Lillian took a deep breath, "it was okay" she said. There was a short pause before Chris spoke up. "So, i was thinking that it'd be a good idea if you moved in with me" He said, "for the babies sake" he added.

"No" Lillian said, catching herself and Chris off guard. She took a deep breath before explaining. "Chris, I'm not sure if I'm ready for all this" she admitted. Chris pulled himself up from the lounge, leaving Lillian still curled up. He walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water. He took a sip and took a deep breath. "How long have you been thinking this?" He asked, his hands rested on the kitchen counter. "Since i found out" Lillian stood up from the couch. "You should have told me sooner" Chris sighed.

She knew what he said was true, she should have told Chris as soon as the she started to doubt having the baby. He was so happy, and dragging out the lie was just going to hurt him more when he found out. However, she couldn't read the current situation. She wouldn't tell if he was upset or angry.

"I know, Chris" she told him, "I just didn't want to hurt you. You seemed so happy to be a dad, I couldn't take that away from you" Lillian added. "But you're taking that away from me now. And it hurts me that you lied to me. You said you were excited, that you were happy yourself to become a parent. We're supposed to tell each other the truth, Lillian. That's what you do when you love someone. Unless you lied about that as well" he huffed. Lillian was taken back from his last statement. "Of course I love you, Chris" she raised her voice, trying to stress the point. "If you did love me, why not want my child!" He yelled, shaking Lillian's core, but wasn't going to show weakness in this situation. "It's not because it's your child! It because I don't want it to be a parent yet! I'm young, Christopher! Too young to have a child!" She yelled back. "But not too young to get engaged, right?" He scoffed, referring the engagement between Lillian and her ex, Julian.

"Don't bring Julian into this" she told, "This has nothing to do with him". Chris rolled his eyes, "oh but it does. Because you were wanting a life with him by saying yes, children included in that package" He said. "I was with him for four years! I was in love with him, I thought he was what I wanted!" She informed the man standing before her, "you and I, Chris. We've been together less than a month and I'm already baring your child! Things are going to fast!" She stressed. "Fine then. If you think we're rushing things, leave" he yelled, but this time louder and more harsh. Lillian took a step back, tears swelling in her eyes. She nodded, "fine, i will" she whispered. She grabbed her phone and keys, not bothering to grab her other items and she left.

Chris stood blank face in his apartment, cursing at himself in his mind. How could he have let himself get so angry? How could he have pushed the love of his life away like that? And before he could think anything else, he broke down in tears.


haha, rushed ending sorry

edit: i hate this chapter

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