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Her mobile rang, Chris' ID name flashing on the screen along with a selfie of the two. Lillian answered with a simple hey. "What are you doing right now?" Chris asked. "Nothing really, just watching TV" Lillian answered, pacing around the room. "Do you want to go out for some pizza or something, I'm starving" he said. Lillian answered with a sure, the two said their goodbyes and hung up.

Chris was going to be there in twenty minutes. Lillian looked down at her appearance, she didn't care that she wasn't dressed up. She wore a plain white shirt and some ripped jeans, her hair pulled back into a ponytail. She didn't have any make up one except some mascara and some chapstick. She wasn't bothered to get changed, she instead just sat back down and continued to watch the tv until Chris showed.

Time flew by and soon enough Chris was texting Lillian telling her that he was down stairs. The brunette gathered her keys, wallet and her mobile. As she made her way down stairs she started to think that this was all just a elaborate plain to get Lillian to go on a fancy date with Chris, that he was luring her out on a exhibition without her knowledge. She shook the thought off, not really caring if it was going to become a reality or not.

Lillian reached the outdoors, spotting Chris leaning up against his car out the front. The two hugged with a hello and hopped into the car. The sun was setting, leaving a sky of gold and purple to look at as the two drove towards the pizza shop. "That look suit you" Chris commented, peering over at the girl from the corner of his eye. Lillian laughed, "what? Laziness?" She joked. Chris nodded with a laugh. "You always look beautiful" he said weakly with a smile.

Music played throughout the car, only softly but audible. Lillian watched as the streets went by, her head rested on the window of the car. Chris looked over at her, he was in awe at her beauty. He wondered how someone could be so perfect even when they weren't, he really was in love her with.

Chris pulled the car up out the front of the pizza shop. "I'll go in by myself, it'll be quicker" Chris said, looking at Lillian who gave him a look as if to say that doesn't make sense but whatever. "Okay, I just want cheese pizza" She told the man. "Wow, you're so basic" he joked. "And what are you going to get, Evans?" Lillian asked with slight edge. Chris paused for a moment before replying. "Cheese" he whispered, but Lillian heard and laughed at him. She told him to get out of the car and get a pizza for them to share and he did just that.

The two drove home, the pizza sat on Lillians lap. The purple sky now pitch black. They arrived home only a short fifteen minutes later, taking the elevator up to the girls apartment. Once they entered the room all the memories of Thanksgiving rushed back to Chris, causing him to cringe at his actions. Lillian noticed and laughed. "You okay there, Evans?" She asked, receiving a smile and nod back. Chris took the pizza box out of the brunettes grasp, holding the box in his own hands and placed his laptop that he had brought with him on top. He walked towards Lillian's bedroom, telling the girl to follow him. "What are you doing?" She asked as she followed him into the room. "You'll see" he simply answered

Chris settled the pizza down the bed next to his laptop that he had set up. "It's not much, but it's a date" he spoke with a smile. Lillian smiled back. "I really thought you'd go all out like you said you would, but this- this is perfect" she said and placed a small kiss on Chris' cheek before settling herself under the blankets. Before Chris did the same he went back into Lillian's kitchen and grabbed two glasses of Coca-Cola, taking a while as he didn't know where Lillian kept her cups.

Once everything was setup, the laid in bed together, Chris linked his hand with Lillian's, they smiled at each other. They ate their pizza and watched movies until their stomaches hurt from the amount of food consumed.

After the movie, the two unlinked their hands and took all the rubbish and dishes back to the kitchen. Lillian glanced at the time that was displayed on her microwave, 11:23 pm. "It's getting late" Chris spoke in a tired voice. Lillian nodded and looked up at him, "yeah, but I don't want you to go" she informed him. A smile grew on his lips. He lent down and kissed the small girl. The kiss started off like their first but small pure kisses turned into passion filled ones. Chris lifted Lillian off the ground, wrapping her legs around his waist. He carried her back to her room, they're lips not parting for a second.

As they laid in each other arms that night, they both realised that this was what they both had been craving, one another.


so like chrilli is officially canon now...
i am so sorry that was all a bit rushed

edit: nawwww i love them so much
my emotions man

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