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Chris Evans and Lillian Foster: Red Carpet Offical

As the People's Choice Awards red carpet was rolling out, many celebrities strode the way, but there were two that caught the eyes of fans above the rest. Chris Evans and Lillian Foster have become red carpet offical.

Evans [35] and Foster [23] have only been officially public dating for only a short few weeks, but the two seemed to be extremely in love. This has made fans believe the two actors have been dating for longer than they've said. Another thing people believe is that this relationship is a publicity stunt. With Fosters TV show new season coming out in a months time, and that fans had been shipping the two together since they first knew the two had met, that all this could just be a stunt for the two to get more attention

However, this doesn't change the fact that the two look amazing together, especially linking arms as they strode the PCAs red carpet together.

So, what do you think? Are the two actually dating? Or is this a PR stunt? Tweet us with #chrillifake


new covers!
i think they're pretty cool if i
do say so myself

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