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" Four fucking years and you still couldn't  find her?!! Get out from my office!! " Adam yelled at his private investigator. He always want to take her back but where is she hiding?  Adam miss her every day. Adam remember the day she left him.

- Flashback of four years ago -
I was wake up and looking for Ara. I have searched every part of the three storey house but no hint where she was. And then my eyes caught an envelope and letter of the table in the living room along with rings and other things. This all belong to her but why was everything in here?  I don't feel good about it. I open the letter and read it. I am ashamed of myself. My tears wouldn't stop.
" Hello Love,
Thank you so much for everything that you have done for me. I am in love with you Adam but i knew that you couldn't be mine. Although we are married to each other but deep down i knew that you don't love me. This marriage was only to merge the two companies. You don't have to worry about it. Although we are divorce,the companies still co-operated with each other. I'll let you go Adam. When you love someone, learn to let it go. Don't keep it because you won't have a happy ending. When he or she come back to you, it means her or him are truly yours destiny. I won't force you to love me back but i need you to promise me something. No matter whoever you wife in future, treat her with love and respect. Be honest and be kind to her and anyone. Oh yeah!  I have left some vital signs on the calendar. It was all about your family occasions every year, your parent medical checkup and your holidays. I had left everything you had gave me on the table. I also had left recipes of your and your family favourite foods,  drinks, and places for any occasions. Give it to your wife okay?  Adam, i am so sorry for forced you to marry me. I am sorry for become a burden to you. I am sorry Adam. Well, it is time to say Goodbye Love. Take care of yourself and your family. Don't work too much. God bless.

     Your soon to be ex-wife,

- present time-
It's true when you love someone, you need to take a good care of her or him. When you lose them, you will know how important they are to you. Adam should just treat her better. Adam regret everything that he has done to Claira. At first he wasn't very fond to claira but the longer they stay together in one roof, the more his fall for her. He shouldn't slept with Hezza. There are someone knocking his office and this interrupt his thinking.

"come in. " He says without taking a glance towards the door.

"sir, the meeting with the ceo of the companies will be start soon. Please go to the conference room now. " His PA, Mr Jaramiah informed him.

"okay.  Thank you. "  He says takes his coat. He stand up and walk to the door to go to the conference room.

He takes his seat when his business partners are one by one enter the conference room. He smile and shake hand with them. Actually, all of them related to him except for Mr Anthony and Miss Lisa. He is his father in law. He never angry nor blame on Adam for what had happened.
He never forgive himself for hurting his daughter. But Miss Lisa is a personal assistant for Smiley Happy Enterprise boss. That company boss never show up to any meeting but that company is really successful and it have it own companies all around the world just like mine and the other CEO in the conference room. Adam is very curious about the owner of this companies.

- After Three Hours-
The meeting is over. Everyone are satisfied with the ideas of the project of making Theme Park but somehow Adam felt really familiar with the proposal that Miss Lisa presents earlier. When they get ready to exit the conference room,suddenly Miss Lisa asking them to sit down because she need to show them something.

"Please take seat. I need to show something. My boss told me to do it. Just wait a minute."  Miss Lisa says.

Everyone takes a sit while Ms Lisa take her Mac Book and connect it to the projector screen. Suddenly, the message popped up signals incoming video chat. Ms Lisa answer and everyone seems so happy to see the young beautiful woman in the screen while Adam looked so shocked..

" It had been a long time since i met all of you. How was everything?"  the young beautiful woman says.

Adam couldnt speak at all while the others just laugh and says something like i miss you and how are you. Adam couldn't take his eyes off from her.

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