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" Let's talk Adam. " Ara said looking straight into his eyes.

"Ara, i am sorry for everything i had done. I am sorry for calling you a slut and whatever things that make you cried or make you heart broke apart. I am sorry Ara. I am really sorry. As for tomorrow, i don't want we to act. I want us to  real. I want us to be happy without act. We have kids now. Please don't leave me again.. I know that i had hurt you too much but i promise you that i will be the best father for our kids and the husband for you.. Ara, i am begging you. Please do not run away again.. I give you my heart, please don't break it again by run away." Adam said while he tried to hold Ara hand.. Ara as quick as possible free her hand from Adam hand.. If looks can kill, Adam will be death right now.. Ara have an unreadable face now. Suddenly she slaps Adam hard in face.. Adam is in state of shock.

"Mr Mackleson, it's hurt? " Ara smirk at him.

"What the hell? Why did you slapped me? I just say what i need to talk with you. " Adam look so angry.

"Haha. It's hurt right? But that kind of hurt isn't i got when you decided to cheat Adam. I am being in the worst pain.. 10 times more than this.. Listen to me carefully Mr Mackleson, you didn't give me your heart so why does i bother to broke it? But it's you instead broke my heart.. You begging me to not leave you? What was you thinking?  Am i some kind of dog? Why must i listen to you? As for tomorrow event, i don't think we can be real. Let's just act Mr Mackleson.. " Ara said without any sadness nor angry in her voice.. Adam really taken aback by Ara attitude.. Before he can speak any further, Ara quickly beat him by saying the things he wish he never hear it at the first place..

"If i can turn back time, i will not allow myself cried for you. I wish i could never love you.. For your information, I allowed you in this house because of my childs. I asked you to have dinner with me and my childs because i thought you were changed but you still the same.. You're still that arrogant and ruthless man Mr Mackleson. I let you inside this because the press will asked you about the kids. So, i want to spend time with them but you don't know what to do.. This is the document about them.. Read it and memorize everything. You can sleep at guest room. Miss Agatha will lead you there. Good night Mr Mackleson.. " Ara slowly walking to the stairs to go to her bedroom. Adam standing there speechless.. With a deep thought, he followed Miss Agatha to go to the guest room.

"This is your room sir.. Good night sir.. " Miss Agatha said and she started walking leaving Adam in his room with a deep thought.. He could not believe in what he hear from Ara mouth.. Ara wish to never love him? How big is his mistake that Ara feeling so regret to fall for him.. With the thought of her, he slowly fall asleep..

In Ara Bedroom
She finally broke down when she enter her bedroom. She cried and cried until she can't cried anymore. Why can't she just forget him? Why she still in love with him? With the thought, she walks to her bed and fall asleep..

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