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Adam enter the house with his head down.. He feel so ashamed because he got caught in eavesdropping the conversation between Ara and his parent and in-laws..
"Hi everyone. How are you doing Ara? " Adam said while smile genuinely toward her but his Ara just ignore him..
"If you are done with your so called good speeches,please take a seat.. We don't have time to wait for you anymore.. We need to talk about the party tomorrow.." Aira said without looking at him. Adam quickly as possible take a seat beside Ara. If look could kill, he will be dead right now because Aira looks at him with a murderous eye.. Adam clear his throat and speak. " so, what do we need to talk about? I will be in that party without bringing any girls because I have you and our childs. So, don't worry. "

"It's not about that son. You need to know about your childs first because tomorrow it's their first time to be introduce to the world as grandchildrens of Anthony and Mackleson. the reporter or the press will ask much questions as they want. Aira doesn't want you to get embarrass yourself because people didn't know about both of you current situation. Do you understand? " Adam just stare at his father dumbfounded. Just before he open his mouth to speak, Aira cut his off by saying something.

"That's mean we need to act like a perfect couple just like before. After the party, you can do whatever you want or going on date with whoever you want.. Don't ruin this party because it's really important for both families. I am sorry but i need to excuse myself.. My daughter and son seems like they are wake up just now.. I will bring them down. " Before Aira can go, Adam just grab her hand and say "Firstly, they are my daughter and son too. Second, i will not act Ara. I will prove to you i want you and our kids back. Third, i will not do whatever i want without you and the kids and going on date with someone else beside you and the kids. Understand? " Aira just glued at her place. She can't say anything anymore. Suddenly, they hear kids crying. Aira quickly as possible run to the kids bedroom at second floor and open the kids bedroom. Ayden and Aylice jump from the bed and quickly hug Aira.

"Mom, why are you crying? Is someone bullied you? " Aylice and Ayden ask.

"No one love. My eyes are hurt.. Let's go downstairs.. Grandparents are here. Dad are here too. " Aira say while hugging her kids but her kids doesn't move nor answered her.

"Mommy, we don't want to daddy. He is a bad man. He is making you cried a lot. Can we just stay here? " Ayden say while Aylice just nodded her head.

"Remembered that both of you have promised me not to hate daddy. He is daddy. Tomorrow is the party. Don't you want daddy to be there and play with both of you? Daddy is a good man. Come here. Mummy will hold both of your hand okay? " Aira say while smiling genuinely at her kids.

"Okay mommy. " Ayden and Aylice say and hold onto their mommy hand.

Meanwhile at the living room
" You shouldn't do that Adam. You just can't force yourself into their life like that. Earn it Adam. Don't act so arrogant." Adam mother warning him.

"It's okay. Adam have learned his lesson. Don't blame him anymore. Aira need to see that Adam already changed. " Aira mother said. Before Adam say something, Aira and the kids holding hand arrive at the living room. The kids eyes light up when they see their grandparents. They quickly hug their grandparents.

"We miss grandparents so much. Can all of you stay here tonight? Please Spend time with us. " Ayden amd Aylice said with puppy eyes..

" We are sorry but we can't stay. But the day after tomorrow we will stay in here for one week.. Okay? " Aira dad said.

"Pinky promise? " Aylice said.

"yes. Pinky promise." The grandparents making pinky promise with both of them.

" But daddy will stay. Spend time with daddy okay? Daddy have brings gift for both of you. " Adam mom said. Aira just shocked to hear the news while Adam just smirking towards her. Aira give him her cold stare.

"We have to go.. Give us kisses. Good evening.. " Aira mother said. The kids give them kisses and hugs before they make their ways to the car.. After awhile, it's just Aira, Ayden, Aylice and Adam at the living room. Silent between Aira and Adam while the kids just hugging Aira. They can't talking because they just uncomfortable with their father being around..

"Aylice.. Ayden.. Why both of you being like this? Go and hugs your daddy. Mommy need to make dinner. Okay? " Aira said while her hand caressing the twins hair and her eyes locked with Adam.

" No.. We want to go with mommy.. Please don't leave us mommy.. " they starting to cry. Aira look at Adam.

" Let's go make dinner.. Don't cry. Mommy won't leave okay.. " Aira said and taking the twin hand and go to kitchen. Adam just follow them.

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