I fell asleep whispering into Alfie's ear, "I love you more than food." After that the world dimmed out and I got a chance to rest. It was nice knowing that Alfie was there whilst I was sleeping. I always loved that feeling of security, it was amazing.
I woke up the next morning feeling much better. I only had a sniffly nose and a bit of a cough, but other than that I was doing perfectly. Alfie was still asleep and I knew he would be for a few more hours, so since I was feeingp better I decided to help out and clean up the house a bit.
I pulling on a pair of my leggings and one of Alfie's big shirts before walking downstairs. It sounded like Alfie's mum and Poppy weren't up either. They might be out though.
Downstairs was a mess from where Alfie and I had eaten before. The floor was covered in crumbs, and the three pizza boxes had fallen off of the table. I sighed as I picked up the cardboard boxes, I had a lot of cleaning to do.
First, I tossed the boxes in the bin and then I wiped down the table and put away the movies. Then, I found the vaccum and started to clean up the carpet. After that I got a damp rag to try and clean up all the crumbs that had fallen onto the couch and in between the cushions.
After about an hour of work I stepped back to view what I had done. I was actually really proud of it, it looked nice.
I didn't stop there though I went into the kitche and did all the dishes as well as wiping down the counters and cleaning the oven. I liked cleaning, it made me feel useful, which I loved.
It took me about an hour and a half to clean the kitchen, when I was finished no one had come downstairs which made me guess that Alfie's mum and Poppy were both out.
After I had finished cleaning everything I walked back down into the main room and plopped down on the couch. I actually liked cleaning, it made me remember the time that Alfie and I had had to clean together.
Alfie was at my house and I had just reached one million subscribers on my main channel so we threw a party for two with party poppers and everything. We had a bunch of party cups so we threw those about the room to make it look like there had been loads of people at the party. We filmed he entire thing and made it look like everyone had been there.
Of course my dad made us clean it all up, but like I said, I didn't mind. Cleaning wasn't too bad anyway, as long as I was doing something for or with Alfie I was okay. In fact I was better than okay, I was perfect.
Again, sorry it's so short lovelies! I hope you still like it! ^_^ xxx