Chapter 1

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3rd persons POV
Summer was lying battered and bruised in the small cage the alpha had forced her into the night before after the torturous beating she endured from the wolves of her own pack. Suddenly the basement door slammed open reviling light which caused Summer to rapidly blink her eyes before flattening her ears and tucking her tail under her belly and rolling on her back before the Alpha stepped into the basement. "Hello Mutt today's the day you leave," Said the Alpha before jabbing Summer with a needle to knock her out. Once Summer was unconscious the Alpha picked up the cadge and it wasn't gentle. He then walked out of his packhouse and straight toward his car and threw the cadge into his boot and slammed his trunk. "Alpha safe travels," said the Beta to his Alpha who was now inside his car. Once the Beta had stepped away from the car the alpha nodded to him and sped away from the drive.

He then drove through his packs borders and kept going until he arrived at what looked like dog kennels when in fact this was a dogfighting operation. He pulled up his car and got out the cadge with a now awake Summer inside who was trembling in fear. "Let's get this over with, I Alpha Scott Higgins of The Blue Bone Pack cut all ties with Summer Phillips the Omega," said the Alpha. After which he knocked on the door to the house in front of the kennels and a tall muscular man answered he had forest green eyes and raven black hair his jaw slightly rounded. "I have a Wolf-dog for you," said the Alpha coldly. "Ah Scott I presume looking at her I'd say she's worth 1000 even," said the man at the door. "That's an excellent deal and I accept oh and her names Summer," the Alpha said hurriedly as he couldn't wait to be rid of the Omega.
"Then I'll take her and here's your money," said the man at the door whose name was Xavier. The Alpha quickly took the money and headed straight for his car before speeding back in the direction of his pack. Meanwhile, Xavier took the cage into the kennel for the female dogs.

Summers POV
I looked after the alphas car as it sped away, honesty I was glad to be out of that pack I think I can survive anything now as I endures horrendous beating in that pack from the time I turned 9 that was also when I got ordered to remain in my wolf form which is why I can no longer shift back. "Alright then girl time for you to see your new home," said Xavier to Me before opening my cadge and leading me into a kennel which had more legroom than my small cadge. Once out of my cramped cadge an into the new one I immediately started scenting the new surroundings to get a feel for where everything is located. I could tell by the scent of the area that male and female animals were separated except for a barn I could tell was full of pups and mothers. "While you get settled I'm going to get my trainer onto your case in ten minutes," said Xavier as he eyed me up and down before shutting the kennel door and leaving with my small cadge.

I should probably tell you about myself, my name is Summer Phillips I'm currently 15 years old my wolf is a red merl colour and is no bigger than the average grey wolf which to a werewolf is a runt. When wolves in my old pack turn 9 they revive their rank which is how they earn their keep. But on my 9th birthday, I found out I was an omega on that day I was ordered to remain in wolf form until another alpha broke the order which will probably never happen. See yesterday I got my daily beating and got put back in my cadge and the beta told me the alpha intended to sell me like a dog because omegas are mateless where my old pack was concerned an honestly I couldn't be happier. "Alright girl time to meet your new trainer," said Xavier pointing to a middle-aged man who had
Russet hair and cold brown eyes which made my body scream run. "What have I told you about taking to the dogs like they can understand you," asked the cold blue-eyed man. "Oh come on Justin we might as well have some fun now, right back to the business you have 3 months to train her and do it well make sure she's aggressive on command and submissive on command," said Xavier to Justin as his eyes took in my slim and battered form. "I'll try boss but she looks like she was a bait dog how do you expect to make her a fighting dog," asked Justin clearly thinking I wasn't cut out for fighting and I wasn't against werewolves I could hold my own against dogs and I know that for a fact, how do I know you ask. Well, Alpha Scott had thought it funny to bring home wild dogs and have them attack me, although that didn't go in his favour as I killed to of them and crippled the other one the alpha had gotten so furious he personally did my beating that day but it showed him that I was no slouch which caused later fights with wilder dogs who got their asses handed to them. "Just do it" Xavier almost growled. "Yes, boss" Justin replied curtly as Xavier left the kennels and left me alone with Justin. "Alright pup time to go," he said and led me out of the kennel and to a field filled with obedience equipment. "Alright I'm taking off your leash," he said as he took off my leash and brought a whip out from behind him. "Sit" he commanded, and I did as told without hesitation as that whip looked like it would hurt. "Next lie down" he commanded and again I did so he then instructed me to bark so I used the wolves warning bark we use when there's danger and he seemed satisfied that I would follow his orders he started working me and exercising my muscles and sore body which felt good. And that was how the rest of the day went working like a dog, literally.

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