Chapter 13

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Summers POV

Liz and the others had been gone for over a day and I was starting to get worried. Since I had been here I was always around her and with her absence, I knew what she really meant to me. I missed her and I never wanted to leave her side again. I was even starting to miss Darius even though I was still terrified of him, he had not hurt me and Tessa had confided in me that he was nothing but gentle with her. I also wanted to try to get along with the rest of the pack I'm not sure if it was my instincts talking or not but I was prepared to try for the pups sake so they could grow up within a stable pack setting where they were cherished and loved.

"Summer are you ok" questioned Tessa for the seventh time this hour. "Yeah I'm just worried for Liz and I have had a realisation" I answered her as I looked over my five pups Zeus, Ares and Apollo as well as Artemis and Athena. They were my joy along with Liz of course. "You thinking about your mate," asked Tessa and when I nodded she sighed no doubt worrying about her own mate. We then settled into a comfortable silence after shifting into our wolf forms and curling into each other for comfort. We often did this back at our old pack as it was the only form of safe physical contact we had.

I was awoken later that evening to paws racing towards the house. I perked my ears up and I heard the panting of wolves and their paws hitting the ground as they trotted towards us. I stood up and shook out my coat. I then raced through the house and out the custom-built dog door built into the front door, Tessa hot on my tail. Once we were outside I caught Liz's scent and my tailed wag in anticipation as she broke through the tree line with Darius and the rest of the warriors running behind her. I howled out my sheer joy and Liz sped up and I ran towards her. We clashed in a blur of black and red merle fur as we rolled over the ground as our greeting. I licked under Liz's jaw and then nuzzled into her chest as I inhaled her scent as she nuzzled into my neck, the moment was perfect until it wasn't.

My nose caught the scent of serval of my old pack members, flashes of teeth and claws and pain had me whimpering and crying. I knew Liz was trying to comfort me but with them so close to the horror of my past kept haunting my vision. "They aren't here to hurt you, darling, they're scared just like you and even if one of them tried to hurt you the pack would kill them in the blink of an eye" Liz spoke soothingly when she shifted back into her human form. She cradled me to her chest rubbing her fingers over my head and scratching between my ears. "Miss is she okay" I heard a familiar female voice say. The voice of the woman who had taken the punishment in my place when I had turned thirteen.

I removed my head from under Liz's chin and looked out at the crowd that had gathered, to my surprise the pack had come to stand with Liz gaging these newcomers as a threat due to my reaction of them. I shifted back to my human form without warning and a blanket was draped over myself and Liz. I looked up at the woman in confusion as I did not know how she manages to escape. "I know you, how did you get here" I timidly asked my ears dropping slightly as she tried to approach but stopped dead in her tracks as Liz growled at her to keep her distance. "Yes, child I had hoped you would live and be free. I see that you have found your mate and your place in the world" The woman spoke her tone gentle and motherly.

"How did they get here Liz" I questioned looking at Liz and then back at the five wolves and three pups from my old pack and then at the warriors and Darius who looked as though they had been in a battle. "The Alpha of your old pack has been relieved of his duties and the pack had been disbanded and sprinkled throughout the state packs so they can be rehabilitated. "oh" I mouthed and the pack finally relented in their death stares. "I'd like to officially welcome you to our pack I hope you can all recover after the hand that was dealt to you" Spoke Alpha Darius in a commanding tone and their bonds rippled throughout the pack. "Yes Alpha," they said in unison baring their necks in submission.

Soon after the pack dispersed and the wolves from my old pack were slit into separate houses for the time being. "Come on love I want to see our pups and they will need to be fed soon" Liz spoke before picking her self up and cradling me closer as she opened the door to our home. Darius followed behind us with Tessa still in their wolf forms no doubt still here to put on some clothes when they shifted back. Liz carried me to the kitchen where she sat me down on one of the chairs before getting the formula ready for the pups feeding. I watched Liz's back as she moved through the kitchen her muscles moving under the clothes she had managed to put on as we came in the house.

Once Liz had finished testing the temperature of all five bottles Darius came down the stairs in human form carrying Tessa who nuzzled into his chest. "Sis why don't you three go feed those pups and I'll make us something to eat" Spoke Darius as he approached the kitchen and I felt no fear from his approach this time. "Okay, brother just try not to burn anything" Liz chuckled as Darius let Tessa down and the three of us entered the living room just at the pups started wailing. "I'm an excellent cook and you know it Liz" Darius whined after we had sat down which only caused Liz to laugh harder.

We fed the pups, burped and changed their nappies and once they were situated on their playmats we went back into the kitchen just in time as Darius finished putting out the last of the pasta. "well enjoy" Darius said before smiling and taking a seat. We ate in a comfortable silence enjoying the tomato pasta with meat pieces in it. After we had finished dinner we saw Tessa and Darius to the door. "See you tomorrow Liz for training and Summer too basic training is mandatory I'm afraid" Commented Darius as he hugged Liz he then went to hug me but stopped himself. It was about time I gave the guy a break so I hugged him back before stepping back to look into his eyes which had become glassy with unshed tears. "I'm so proud of you darling" Liz spoke as she led us into the living room again. We got the pups settled for the night and then put them in the nursery. "You are all mine tonight dear and I can't wait for you to be mine in every way" Liz snarled softly in my ear exciting me to no end as I ran towards our bedroom with Liz hot on my tail. She caught me sooner than I would have liked, I squealed as she threw me on the bed before approaching me like a predator would approach its prey and I couldn't wait to see what she was going to do.

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